BIO (01/2025):
Prof. Dr. Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA, is a Full Professor in Social Sciences and Humanities and Established Researcher (R3) ( He works as Principal Investigator in Ikerbasque (Basque Foundation for Science) at the University of the Basque Country, Public Policy & Economic History Department (Spain) as well as at Cardiff University/WISERD (UK), being since 2022 Fulbright Scholar in California (USA) collaborating as Fellow with Decentralization Research Centre (Canada). He is currently Invited Professor at Warsaw School of Economics SGH (Poland), Indian Institute of Technology ITT Delhi (India), and Budapest University of Technology and Economics BME (Hungary). For a decade (2012–2022), he has been Senior Scientist at the University of Oxford, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, UN-Habitat, and has held academic positions in 14 universities worldwide (particularly, UK, USA, Belgium, Italy, and Spain). From 2002–2011, he worked at Mondragon Cooperatives and held a Director of Innovation & Technology position in the Basque Government (Spain). His research currently revolves around how decentralization as a paradigm shift can change the course of data-opolies and AI through emerging Web3 Decentralized Technologies including case studies in different fields around Blockchain, DAOs, and Data Co-operatives. Google Scholar: 4808 citations, h-index 32, and i10-index 66. He has nominated as Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential Academic in Government.
Academic Performance Summary: 2002-2024
Current Research Projects:
He is currently PI of the following projects:
Current Lectureship:
He is PhD Supervisor and Invited Reader at:
Institutional Profiles /Repositories:
Current Editor/Editorial Advisory Board Member:
Forthcoming, August 2025: Visvizi, A., Kozlowski, K., Calzada, I., & Troisi, O. (2025), Multidisciplinary Movements in AI and Generative AI: Society, Business, Education. Chent
Prof. Igor Calzada, presented physically in Budapest, was set to chair a pivotal workshop in Budapest on 14th February 2025, titled “Trustworthy AI for Whom? Roadmapping Gene
🚀 Bringing Global #AI-Driven #SmartCity Lessons to #Local #Communities? 🌍🏡 This week, while lecturing #GlobalDigitalHumanities #students in the #DigitalRights & #DigitalCitizen
AI for Smart Cities: Decentralized AI Governance and Societies for the Future On 4 February 2025, Prof. Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA participated as an expert panelist in a high-level
Call for Papers: Special Issue on Generative AI & Urban AI Policy 🔍 Generative AI and the Urban AI Policy Challenges Ahead: Trustworthy AI for Whom? Professor Igor Calzada, MBA
New Editorial Role for Professor Igor Calzada: Addressing Global Challenges & Dynamic Threats Professor Igor Calzada, a distinguished academic and thought leader in the field o
Prof. Igor Calzada is pleased to share his contribution to the preliminary policy report titled “How Can Data Cooperatives Help Build a Fair Data Economy?” This effort
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming societies, economies, and governance structures worldwide. While many nations struggle to balance innovation with ethical and i
Prof Dr Igor Calzada is deeply grateful to the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (#SGH) for inviting him as #InvitedProfessor next week. This opportunity to engage with such a disting
Invited Speaker Reflections from Budapest: WIRE2024 & BME Seminar This November, I had the privilege of contributing to two significant events in Budapest, Hungary, exploring t
Prof Igor Calzada evaluates highly-profiled ongoing Horizon Europe projects by providing constructive scientific advise in topics related to AI, digital transformations, Web3, bloc
From May to October 2024, I had the honor of being a selected resident at the SOAM Network Sovereignties Residence Programme, held at Ammersee, Germany. The programme focuses on th
On 13 September 2024, I had the opportunity to present my research on Trustworthy AI at a workshop held in Eindhoven, Netherlands, under the auspices of the Enfield EU project. The
On 4-6 September 2024, I had the honor of presenting my research titled Data-In-Flux: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in the Study of Data On Move at the Data Power Confer
On 2-3 September 2024, I had the honor of directing the Summer Course AI for Social Innovation (AI4SI) in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain. This unique event brought together particip
I recently had the opportunity to present my latest paper at the RGS-IBG (Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers) Annual Meeting, as part of the Panel
On 3-4 July 2024, I had the honor of presenting my paper titled “Digital Foundational Economy: AI, Data Democracy, and Social Innovation” at the WISERD Annual Conferenc
On 2 July 2024, I had the honor of presenting my paper titled “Bridging Public Spheres in Wales and the Basque Country” at the Creating Public Spheres Conference, hoste
From July 17-27, 2023, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at the Research Workshop and Public Conference in Healdsburg, California, titled “Exploring Coordi-Natio
I was honored to present my paper on “Equitable Tech: Navigating AI, Blockchain, and Data Sovereignty” at the 2024 Equitable Tech Summit, held at the National Press Clu
On May 24, 2024, I had the honor of presenting my paper “What is an Algorithmic Nation? Sovereignties Under Scrutiny” at the 4th International Conference on Nationalism
I had the pleasure of presenting my research titled “Democratic Erosion of Data-Opolies Amid Web3 and AI Realms” at the Research & Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) 2024
This past week #Eraldaroa VIII World #Congress of Basque Communities was held by #BasqueGovernment, Presidency, External Affairs’ General Secretary, in #Donostia gathering delegati
Thank to the grant funding achieved this year by the Learned Society of Wales to undertake ‘#Welsh & #Basque Cooperation’ #ActionResearch project, this week I prese
Here is the article’s full reference of the article (in press). To cite this article: Calzada, I. (2023), Blockchain-Driven Digital Nomadism in the Basque e-Diaspora. Globalization
Here is the article’s full reference to the link to Open Access. To cite this article: Calzada, I. (2023), Disruptive Technologies for e-Diasporas: Blockchain, DAOs, Data Coo
Dr Calzada participated in the event by addressing data governance issues to smart cities.
Dr Calzada delivered an invited seminar with different scholars from Social Science: Economy, Finance, Corporate Governance, Sociology, Demography, and Marketing, among others.
Towards an Algorithmic Nation? Dilemmas Around Synthetic Citizenship in Northern Ireland paper delivered at The Synthetic City: Potentials, Politics, and Everyday Life, Dublin (Ire
Dr Calzada participated in an invited speaker capacity at Stanford University, The Science of Blockchain Conference 2023 (SBC23)/ Stanford DAO Workshop, in Palo Alto, California, o
Dr Calzada has been promoted to Principal Research Fellow (Reader) academic position at Cardiff University (since August 2022)
Dr Igor Calzada has been awarded a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) for the 2022-2023 academic year by the U.S. Department of
To cite this article: Calzada, I. & Bustard, J. (2022), The Dilemmas Around Digital Citizenship in a Post-Brexit and Post-Pandemic Northern Ireland: Towards an Algorithmic Nati
To cite this article: Calzada, I. (2021), Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Pandemic, Algorithmic, Liquid, Metropolitan, and Stateless Citizenships. Citizenship Studies 25(6-8)
Honoured having been listed among 100 Most Influencial Academics in Government according to Apolitical.
To cite this article: Calzada, I., Pérez-Batlle, M., & Batlle-Montserrat, J. (2021), People-Centered Smart Cities: An Exploratory Action Research on the Cities’ Coalition for D
About this Research Topic Submission Deadlines 03 February 2022 Abstract 03 April 2022 COVID-19 has hit citizens dramatically, not only creating a general risk-driven environment e
Here is the link to the event.
Presented by Igor Calzada This presentation is based on Dr Calzada’s recently published paper ‘Data Cooperatives through Data Sovereignty’* Highlights: 1. D
Fostering inclusive growth to ‘level up’ the UK: Lessons from the Basque Country Speakers: Henriette Lyttle-Breukelaar, Director of Economic Strategy, Greater Birmingham & Soli
To cite this article: Calzada, I. (2021), The Right to Have Digital Rights in Smart Cities. Sustainability 13(20), 11438. DOI:10.3390/su132011438. Special Issue “Social Innova
The article entitled ‘Data Co-operatives through Data Sovereignty’ published in the journal Smart Cities in Open Access. This article illustrates an open debate in data govern
This is article entitled ‘Data Co-operatives in Pandemic Times’ published in the journal Public Seminar in Open Access. This article suggests avoiding ‘co-op whitewashing,’: experi
The article entitled ‘Pandemic Citizenship: Will COVID-19 Reinforce Nation-States’ Borders and Liquify Citizens?’ published in the journal Academia Letters in Open Access. Th
The article entitled ‘Pandemic Citizenship Amidst Stateless Algorithmic Nations: Digital Rights and Technological Sovereignty at Stake’ published via Coppieters Foundation in Open
The article entitled ‘Book Review: Smart City Citizenship’ published in the Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs in Open Access. To cite this article: Calzada, I. (2021), Book Rev
The book 'Smart City Citizenship' will be released and launched by Elsevier on 1st November 2020.
The article entitled 'Platform and Data Co-operatives Amidst European Pandemic Citizenship' published in the journal Sustainability in Open Access.
Article entitled ‘Democratising Smart Cities? Penta-Helix Multistakeholder Social Innovation Framework’ published in the journal Smart Cities
Article entitled 'Replicating Smart Cities: The City-to-City Learning Programme in the Replicate EC-H2020-SCC Project' published in Smart Cities journal
The article examines the scientific interrelation between COVID-19 and post-Brexit scenario.
The article and the 29 Volume of the journal Galde will be published online by 7th July 2020 here. To cite this article: Calzada, I. (2020), Algorithmic Governance & AI in the
Dr Igor Calzada has been the co-authored of the article published in in collaboration with Dr Esteve Almirall. Here there is the link to the article. To cite
This article remarks the importance of the techno-political stance amidst the post COVID-19 world geopolitics for the domain .EUS, representing the wide global Basque community.
Dr Calzada has contributed to the Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State: New Spaces of Geopolitics.
Dr Calzada cited in the CAS brochure, published by the EC DG JRC.
Since 2020, Dr Calzada serves as editorial advisory board member of the journal TGPPP.
Dr Calzada has contributed to a city-regional reflection in the Basque Country through the first issue launched by TM eLab (Telesforo Monzon eLab) to address the technological sove
Dr Calzada contributes to the publication 'Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon'.
Dr Calzada's article entitled 'The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation (SI): Euskaraldia, as a Digital Panopticon' being published in the journal BAT.
Dr Calzada, has led and co-authored the article entitled 'Data Ecosystems for Protecting European Citizens' Digital Rights' in the journal TGPPP.
Dr Calzada has published in Apolitical the article entitled 'Will COVID-19 be the end of the Global Citizen?'
This article examines the General Elections 2020 outcome in Ireland and analyses political potential effects on issues such as reunification and the Unity Referendum, among others.
After the clear outcome of the General Elections in December 2019, Dr Calzada, as an academic of the University of Oxford, gave a brief analysis of the social context after the eff
Dr Calzada has reviewed the book 'Smart City Barcelona' for the International Journal of Iberian Studies (IJIS).
The paper by Dr Calzada entitled 'Data and Platform Co-operatives amidst the European Algorithmic and Liquid Citizenship' has been accepted in Data Justice Lab 2020 Conference at C
Dr Calzada participates at the Conference entitled 'Governing the Smart City Progressively' at the University of Liverpool, invited by Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practi
Dr Calzada lectures the Oxford International's Humanities and Social Sciences Winter Course 2020 at the University of Oxford's St Antony's College.
Dr Igor Calzada participates as invited keynote speaker at Topaldia event organised by the social movements of the Basque Country working to foster the use of the Basque language i
Call for Abstracts: DigiTranScope Spring Institute 2020 (11-15 May)
2019 UK General Elections' outcome and Brexit aftermath in the Basque TV.
Dr Igor Calzada was invited by the King's College by participating in the panel entitled 'Life at the edge of nations: Hong Kong, Kashmir, Catalonia'.
Dr Calzada co-leads the WP8 Replication by presenting preliminary findings on multistakeholders framework and 'City-to-City-Learning' Programme coordinated for the whole 2019.
Dr Igor Calzada participates on 26th and 27th September 2019 in Barcelona on the 'Workshop on Public Policy, Cities and the State'.
The article revolves around the volatile Brexit context by giving several insights referring to the democratic dysfunctional nature of it.
Dr Calzada co-directed the Summer School 'Smart Rural Communities' that aims to experiment a new international development model based on the SDGs.
The article entitled ‘Catalonia Rescaling Spain: Is It Feasible to Accommodate Its "Stateless Citizenship"?' has been published in Regional Science, Policy & Practice journal.
The RSA Journal publishes the article of Dr Calzada entitled 'Data Spaces and Democracy'.
Dr Calzada lectures on the 2019 Summer Humanities and Social Sciences Course at the University of Oxford at St. Anthony's College on Smart Cities and Experimental Cities.
Dr Igor Calzada contributes to the 4th issue of Regions eZine with a piece of research blending techno-political and city-regional assemblages.
Dr Calzada presents his accepted paper in the International Symposium: Cities Against Nationalism? held by the University of Kent (UK).
Dr Calzada presents his invited paper in the International Symposium: City and Nation held by the University of Bristol (UK).
Dr Calzada was kindly interviewed by the Basque Public TV (Euskal Telebista), regarding the recent Scottish independence announcement by 2012 made by the Scottish First Minister, N
Dr Calzada has contributed to the volume on tourism as a result of the symposium that took place at the University of Deusto in May 2018. The publication is forthcoming in June 201
Dr Igor Calzada will participate in co-authorship with Dr Esteve Almirall from the ESADE Business School in Barcelona in the Data for Policy 2019 conference.
Dr Igor Calzada will participate as speaker at the 1st Conference of Public Policy organised by students of the LSE, Oxford, and Cambridge on 24 and 25th May 2019.
Dr Igor Calzada participated in the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2019 by presenting a co-authored paper and taking part as panelist.
In late March 2019, Dr Calzada was kindly invited by the European Commission - JRC Centre for Advanced Studies to be speaker in the workshop DigiTranScope.
Dr Igor Calzada participated as an expert in the round table about Data Governance by presenting some updates about his research on data commons.
Since 2015 onwards, Dr Calzada has continuously been a lecturer in the MSc Master in Global Sustainable Cities at the University of Strathclyde for four editions.
In 2014, Dr Calzada founded an spin-off called Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. Here the portfolio generated in the last five years: 2014-2019.
The article entitled ‘Deciphering Smart City Citizenship: The Techno-Politics of Data and Urban Co-operative Platforms’ is forthcoming in RIEV journal by March 2019.
Dr Calzada participates in the Urban Governance and City Policies Winter School 2019 at the Autonomous University of Barcelona organised by Barcelona Gov.
On 24th January, Dr Calzada scientifically directed the strategy through conducting the Smart Municipalities Symposium from the programme #HerriSmartik.
The article entitled ‘Metropolitanising small European stateless city-regionalised nations’ has been published in the Space and Polity journal.
Dr Igor Calzada will take part in 'The Future of Urban Living Consultation' that will take place in the Windsor Castle in St George House on 13-14 December 2018.
Dr Calzada published the article entitled 'The Algorithmic Revolution' in the newspaper 'El Correo' in Spanish on September 30, 2018.
On October 5, 2018, an strategic workshop took place in Bilbao, to define the Smart Municipalities' networked, evolution-guided and bottom-up strategy for the 252 municipalities en
The article entitled ‘(Smart) Citizens from Data Providers to Decision-Makers? The Case Study of Barcelona’ has been published in Sustainability (MDPI) journal belonging to the Spe
The article entitled 'Algorithmic Nations: Seeing Like a City-Regional and Techno-Political Conceptual Assemblage' has been published in the Regional Studies, Regional Science jour
Dr Calzada participated in the worshop entitled 'Big Data and Urban Governance on the Margins of the City', which took place in the King's College London.
'City-to-City-Learning' programme of Replicate project is being curated by Dr Calzada, as WP8 leader of the EU-H2020-Replicate project.
Dr Calzada will give a conference in the 'Europe-China workshop on innovation and development of mega-city regions' that will take place in Oxford on October 10, 2018.
Dr Calzada has recently been appointed member of the Editorial Board of the open access journal 'Smart Cities' MDPI.
Dr Calzada from the University of Oxford conducted a workshop with the local and regional stakeholders of Nilüfer.
The article 'Local Entrepreneurship Through a Multistakeholders’ Tourism Living Lab in the Post-Violence/Peripheral Era in the Basque Country' has been accepted for publication by
Dr Calzada delivered a keynote conference entitled 'The XXI Century and the Diplomacy of Cities and Regions' in the Summer School that took place on 9-10th July in the Miramar Pala
Dr Calzada will be the keynote speaker on the Summer School EIT Digital entitled 'Predictive analytics, big data, mobility and open platforms for an efficient and participative cit
Dr Calzada will participate as keynote speaker at the Global Challenges 2018 Summit 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 18th May.
Dr Calzada participated in the roundtable entitled 'Transforming Tourism from the European Regions' at the University of Deusto, held by Ezkerraberri foundation and funded by Coppi
Dr Calzada participated on 24th April in the roundtable held by All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Smart Cities entitled 'Intelligence governance, smarter cities' at the UK Pa
Dr Calzada has been the coordinator of the European strategy by organising a Workshop Series entitled 'Bridging European Urban Transformations' from June 2016 to June 2018.
Dr Calzada has just published the article entitled 'Problematizing and Politicizing Smart City-Regions: Is Devolution Smart?' in the journal Territorio.
Dr Calzada will contribute as Discussant on 'City-Regional Geopolitics' and Panelist on 'Debates and Future Directions' on the Session: Seeing Like a Region.
Dr Calzada contributed by giving a conference to kick-off the strategic advisory on social innovation among a wide range of stakeholders.
Dr Igor Calzada will give a keynote presentation in the Urban Future Global Conference 2018 in Vienna on 28th February 2018.
Dr Calzada has contributed to Edward Elgar's Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories volume kindly edited by Prof Anssi Paasi, Prof John Harrison, and Prof Martin Jo
Dr Calzada's article on the role of the social media in millennials' civilian participation in the cases of the 15M in Spain and Kitchenware Revolution in Iceland, has been publish
On 12th February 2018, the fourth and final workshop from the series 'Bridging European Urban Transformations' will take place in Brussels entitled: 'Rethinking the Urban Commons i
Dr Calzada is participating as partner representative and WP leader of Replication of Replicate EU project, in the 'Replication Workshop: From Follower to Lighthouse City for Smart
Dr Calzada, in collaboration with Prof Esteve Almirall from the ESADE Business School in ESADE and Francesca Bria, Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer of the Barcelona
Dr Calzada will be teaching as an invited invited and guest lecturer on the MIT Metro Lab Initiative in Boston, Massachusetts on 11th January 2018 on 'Political Regionalism and Met
Dr Calzada has recently published a chapter entitled 'From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities?' in the book published by Palgrave Macmillan and Springer/Nature.
Dr Calzada from the Urban Transformations programme at the University of Oxford in collaboration with Dr Cowie from the Future Cities Catapult, has published the article on rethink
This chapter entitled 'About Independence (with independence)' will be included in a book edition called 'The Right to Decide, Power & Sovereignty'.
Dr Calzada published the article entitled 'Metropolitan and city-regional politics in the urban age: why does (smart) devolution matter?' via Palgrave Communications.
This project aims to conduct fieldwork research in two rural and remote communities in post-conflict areas: Colombia (Latin America) and Mozambique (Africa).
On the last 12th December, the workshop for analysing the multistakeholders' configuration was conducted by Dr Calzada in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Dr Calzada elaborated on 'Data Devolution in Europe' in the Speakers Session in ESADE Business School by presenting two journal articles
Dr Calzada will deliver a Master Course on 'Smart Cities and Transformations for Territories and Cities' in the Urban and Territorial Studies School of the Basque Country in Bilbao
Dr Calzada conducted an internal learning-by-doing session with the Province Council of Tarragona on Tourism Living Labs.
Dr Calzada will took part in the thematic session entitled 'Going Beyond Data Mining: Building a City Data Strategy' of the SCEWC17 in Barcelona.
Dr Calzada conducted a workshop and present the policy report 'Basque Smart City-Regional Strategy in the H2020 European Context' on 14th November in Bilbao.
Dr Calzada is conducting this strategic process and setting-up the Tourism Living Lab.
The State Conference in Culture will take place from 8th to 10th March in Valladolid (Spain). Dr Calzada will deliver a keynote entitled 'Culture a Tool for Innovating?'.
Dr Calzada and Dr Cobo (both from the Future of Cities/Urban Transformations and Oxford Internet Institute respectively at the University of Oxford), will conduct a workshop entitl
Dr Calzada will open with the keynote conference 'Is Changing the Identity of (European) Cities?' the Summer School 'The Identity of the European Cities' 2016 in Donostia-St. Sebas
Dr Igor Calzada will deliver a paper entitled 'Comparing Cross-Bordering City-Regional Strategies Beyond Nation-States in Oresund and the Basque Country' in the 15th Border Regions
Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, has been participating (in representation of the Urban Transformations ESRC porfolio co-ordinated by the University of Oxford), in the Habitat III Thematic Me
Here is the chapter entitled 'About Independence (with independence)' that will contribute to a new edition on 'The Right to Decide, Power and Sovereignty' by Sorzain publishing.
Dr Calzada took part in the roundtable organised by Ezkerraberri Foundation (which belongs to Aralar, left independentist political Basque party). He discussed with Dr Goikoetxea f