01 Jan Invited talk at Mondragon University’s UniverCity Symposium around Welsh & Basque Cooperation on 14th December 2023
Thank to the grant funding achieved this year by the Learned Society of Wales to undertake ‘#Welsh & #Basque Cooperation’ #ActionResearch project, this week I presented several preliminary findings and insights about it at Mondragon Unibertsitatea in #Bilbao.
Against the backdrop of the #MoU signed between Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government (Mark Drakeford) and Eusko Jaurlaritza – Gobierno Vasco (Iñigo Urkullu) since 2018, I introduced a #Multiscalar #SocialSciences #ActionResearch framework that was developed in the workshop held through WISERD Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd with the valuable participation of Prof Ian Rees Jones Prof #KevinMorgan Prof #JosebaAgirreazkuenaga Prof Rick Delbridge Dr Nagore Ipiña Mark Hooper Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra Talaios Kooperatiba
The #ActionResearch project stem from #TransDisciplinary perspective including #RegionalStudies #SocialInnovation #PoliticalGeography #Management #UrbanTransformations #FoundationalEconomy #PoliticalEconomy
A diverse set of stakeholders were mentioned in the presentation including: Comisiwn Seilwaith Cenedlaethol Cymru / National Infrastructure Commission for Wales David Clubb Cardiff Capital Region (Colan Mehaffey) Ikerbasque Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Eusko Jaurlaritza – Gobierno Vasco Asier Aranbarri Urzelai Bilbao Metropoli 30 Idoia Postigo Fuentes Ana Sancho Donostia Kultura Imanol Galdos Euskampus Fundazioa Arantzazulab Naiara Goia et al
Thank you for allowing this #Bridging to happen
Diolch am ganiatáu i’r #Pontio hwn ddigwydd
Eskerrik asko #Zubigintza ahalbidetzeagatik
Gracias por hacer posible la #cooperación
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