• I am the leading/corresponding author in 67 out of a total of 62 peer-reviewed journal articles and I have authored/co-edited 14 books, 28 book chapters, 28 policy reports, and more than 179 invited international conferences.
  • Total citation by Google Scholar: 4,500 citations, h-index 31, i10-index 65.

  1. Calzada, I. (2024), Artificial Intelligence for Social Innovation: Beyond the Noise of Algorithms and Datafication. Sustainability, 16(19), 8638. DOI: 10.3390/su16198638.
  2. Calzada, I. (2024), Decentralized Web3 Reshaping Internet Governance: Towards the Emergence of New Forms of Nation-Statehood? Future Internet, 16(10), 361. DOI: 10.3390/fi16100361.
  3. Calzada, I. (2024), (Libertarian) Decentralized Web3 Map: In Search of a Post-Westphalian Territory. SSRN. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4937294.
  4. Calzada, I. (2024), Democratic Erosion of Data-opolies: Decentralized Web3 Technological Paradigm Shift Amidst AI Disruption. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 8(3), 26. DOI:10.3390/bdcc8030026.
  5. Calzada, I. (2024), How Do Small Nations Cooperate? An Action Research Framework for Wales and the Basque Country. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 11(1), 87-102. DOI:10.1080/21681376.2024.2311099.
  6. Calzada, I. (2023), Blockchain-Driven Digital Nomadism in the Basque e-Diaspora. Globalizations, 21(5), 777-802. DOI:10.1080/14747731.2023.2271216.
  7. Calzada, I. (2023), Disruptive Technologies for e-Diasporas: Blockchain, DAOs, Data Cooperatives, Metaverse, and ChatGPT. Futures154(C), 103258. DOI:10.1016/j.futures.2023.103258.
  8. Masso, A., Kasapoglu, T., Tammpuu, P. & Calzada, I. (2024) Datafied Control and Selection of Digital Identity: Estonian e-Residency as ‘Citizenship by Connection’. Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12666718; SSRN DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4887026.
  9. Bühler, M.M., Calzada, I., Cane, I., Jelinek, T., Kapoor, A., Mannan, M., Mehta, S., Mookerje, V., Nübel, K., Pentland, A., Scholz, T., Siddarth, D., Tait, J., Vaitla, B. & Zhu, J. (2023), Unlocking the Power of Digital Commons: Data Cooperatives as a Pathway for Data Sovereign, Innovative and Equitable Digital Communities. Digital, 3(3), 146-171. DOI:
  10. Calzada, I. (2023), Smart Rural Communities: Action Research in Colombia and Mozambique. Sustainability, 15(12), 9521. DOI:10.3390/su15129521.
  11. Bühler, M.M., Calzada, I., Cane, I., Jelinek, T., Kapoor, A., Mannan, M., Mehta, S., Mookerje, V., Nübel, K., Pentland, A., Scholz, T., Siddarth, D., Tait, J., Vaitla, B. & Zhu, J. (2023), Data Cooperatives as Catalysts for Collaboration, Data Sharing, and the (Trans)Formation of the Digital Commons., 2023040130.
  12. Bignami, F., Calzada, I., Hanakata, N., & Tomasello, F. (2023), Data-Driven Citizenship Regimes in Contemporary Urban Scenarios: An Introduction. Citizenship Studies 27(2), 145-159. DOI:10.1080/13621025.2022.2147262.
  13. Calzada, I. (2023), Euskal Herria 2025, Nazio Algoritmikoa: Eskubide Digitalak Babestuz, Datafikazio Estrategia Emantzipatzaileak Egikaritu, Jakin 256-257, 77-90. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35786.95689/1.
  14. Calzada, I. (2022), Emancipatory Urban Citizenship Regimes in Postpandemic Catalonia, Scotland, and Wales. Social Sciences 11(12), 569. DOI:10.3390/socsci11120569.
  15. Calzada, I. & Arranz, I. (2022), Western US Basque-American e-Diaspora: Action Research in California, Idaho, and Nevada. Societies 12(6), 153. DOI:10.3390/soc12060153.
  16. Calzada, I. (2022), Citizens’ Data Privacy in China: The State-of-the-Art of the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL). Smart Cities 5(3), 1129-1150. DOI:10.3390/smartcities5030057.
  17. Calzada, I. (2022), Hyperconnected Diasporas. AEMI Journal. Volumen 19-20, No. 2021-2022, 49-68. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.30513.04965/1. Data source: via DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13193.72802.
  18. Calzada, I. (2022), How Digital Citizenship Regimes Are Rescaling European Nation-States, Space and Polity 26(1), 44-52. DOI:10.1080/13562576.2022.2072197.
  19. Calzada, I. & Bustard, J. (2022), The Dilemmas Around Digital Citizenship in a Post-Brexit and Post-Pandemic Northern Ireland: Towards an Algorithmic Nation? Citizenship Studies 27(2), 271-292. DOI:10.1080/13621025.2022.2026565.
  20. Calzada, I. (2022), Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Pandemic, Algorithmic, Liquid, Metropolitan, and Stateless Citizenships. Citizenship Studies 27(2). 160-188. DOI:10.1080/13621025.2021.2012312.
  21. Calzada, I., Pérez-Batlle, M., & Batlle-Montserrat, J. (2021), People-Centered Smart Cities: An Exploratory Action Research on the Cities’ Coalition for Digital Rights. Journal of Urban Affairs 43(10), 1-26. DOI:10.1080/07352166.2021.1994861.
  22. Calzada, I. (2021), The Right to Have Digital Rights in Smart Cities. Sustainability 13(20), 11438. DOI:10.3390/su132011438. Special Issue “Social Innovation in Sustainable Urban Development”.
  23. Calzada, I. (2021), Data Co-operatives through Data Sovereignty. Smart Cities 4(3), 1158-1172. DOI:10.3390/smartcities4030062. Special Issue “Feature Papers for Smart Cities”.
  24. Zhenling, L., Bibri, SM., & Calzada, I. (2022), Big Data Analytics for Smart Cities [Special Issue], International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology.
  25. Calzada, I., Mureddu, F., Lima, M., & Gupta, S. (2022), Towards 2030: The Politics and Technology of Smart Cities and Communities [Special Issue/Research Topic], Frontiers in Political Science. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33851.75040.
  26. Calzada, I. & Ahedo, I. (2021), Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies [Special Issue], Frontiers in Political Science – Politics of Technology. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.25026.50880.
  27. Pagés-Madrigal, J.M., Elghonaymy, I., & Calzada, I. (2022), To Practice Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism: Contemporary Approaches [Special Issue]. Sustainability. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33020.00648.
  28. Scholz, T. & Calzada, I. (2021), Data Cooperatives for Pandemic Times. Public Seminar journal. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.12320.51200/1.
  29. Calzada, I. (2021), Pandemic Citizenship: Will COVID-19 Reinforce Nation-States’ Borders and Liquify Citizens? Academia Letters Article 910. DOI: 10.2935/AL910.
  30. Calzada, I. (2021), Book review: Smart City Citizenship. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs 5(1): 145-150. DOI: 10.25034/ijcua.2021.v5n1-7.
  31. Calzada, I. (2020), Platform and Data Co-operatives Amidst European Pandemic Citizenship, Sustainability 12(20): 8309. DOI: 10.3390/su12208309.
  32. Calzada, I. (2020), Democratising Smart Cities? Penta-Helix Multistakeholder Social Innovation Framework, Smart Cities 3(4): 1145-1172. DOI: 10.3390/smartcities3040057.
  33. Calzada, I. (2020), Replicating Smart Cities: The City-to-City Learning Programme in the Replicate EC-H2020-SCC Project, Smart Cities 3(3): 978-1003. DOI: 10.3390/smartcities3030049.
  34. Calzada, I. (2020), Algorithmic Governance & AI in the Post COVID-19 Society // Herrigintza Algoritmikoa eta Adimen Artifiziala Post COVID-19 Gizartean, Galde 29:46-48. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33413.58081/1.
  35. Calzada, I. & Almirall, E. (2020), Data Ecosystems for Protecting European Citizens’ Digital Rights, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy (TGPPP) 14(2): 133-147. DOI: 10.1108/TG-03-2020-0047.
  36. Calzada, I. (2020) The Role of Social Movements in the Social Innovation: Euskaraldia, as a Digital Panopticon/Gizarte Mugimenduen Rola Gizarte Berrikuntzan: Euskaraldia, Panoptiko Digital Gisa, BAT Soziolinguistika Aldizkaria/Journal (ISSN: 1130-8435) 115(2): 85-114. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35980.05763/5.
  37. Calzada, I. (2020) [Review of the book Smart City Barcelona: The Catalan Quest to Improve Future Urban Living, by A. Vives]. International Journal of Iberian Studies 33(1): 103-104. DOI: 10.1386/ijis_00018_5.
  38. Calzada, I. (2019), Catalonia Rescaling Spain: Is It Feasible to Accommodate Its “Stateless Citizenship”?, Regional Science, Policy and Practice 11(5): 805-820. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12240.
  39. Calzada, I. (2019), Data Spaces and Democracy, RSA Journal, Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. Vol. 165, Issue 2 (5578): 40-43JSTOR, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35392/89601/2.
  40. Calzada, I. (2019), Technological Sovereignty: Protecting Citizens’ Digital Rights in the AI-driven and post-GDPR Algorithmic and City-Regional European Realm, Regions eZine, Issue 4. DOI: 10.1080/13673882.2018.00001038.
  41. Calzada, I. & Almirall, E. (2019), Barcelona’s Grassroots-led Urban Experimentation:  Deciphering the ‘Data Commons’ Policy Scheme. Zenodo. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2604618. Conference Data for Policy 2019, London (UK), 11-12 June.
  42. Calzada, I. (2019), Local Entrepreneurship Through a Multistakeholders’ Tourism Living Lab in the Post-Violence/Peripheral Era in the Basque Country. Regional Science, Policy and Practice 11(3), 451-466. In the Special Issue ‘Local Entrepreneurship and tourism: policies and practices in peripheral areas’. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12130.
  43. Calzada, I. (2018), Deciphering Smart City Citizenship: The Techno-Politics of Data and Urban Co-operative Platforms. RIEV, Revista Internacional de Estudios Vascos/International Journal on Basque Studies 63(1-2):42-81. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24498.35524/6.
  44. Calzada, I. (2018), Metropolitanising Small European Stateless City-Regionalised Nations. Space and Polity 22(3): 342-361. DOI: 10.1080/13562576.2018.1555958.
  45. Calzada, I. (2018), (Smart) Citizens from Data Providers to Decision-Makers? The Case Study of Barcelona. Sustainability 10(9): 3252. DOI: 10.3390/su10093252. Special Issue: Big Data Research for Social Sciences and Social Impact.
  46. Calzada, I. (2018), Algorithmic Nations: Seeing Like a City-Regional and Techno-Political Conceptual Assemblage. Regional Studies, Regional Science 5(1): 267-289. DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2018.1507754.
  47. Calzada, I. (2018), Algorithmic Nations: Towards the Techno-Political (Basque) City-Region. Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from Special Issue: ‘Regions Beyond their Spatiality: Political, Social and Urban Approaches to Post-National Scenarios’. DOI: 10.5070/T21141508.
  48. Calzada, I. (2017), Do Digital Social Networks Foster Civilian Participation among Millennials? Kitchenware Revolution and 15M Cases. Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation 3 Special Issue: ‘Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics’. (ISSN: 2283-7949). DOI: 10.12893/gjcpi.2017.3.4.
  49. Calzada, I. (2017), Problematizing and Politicizing Smart City-Regions: Is Devolution Smart?, Territorio 83: 37-47. In the Special Issue ‘From Smart City to Smart Region. Meanings, Governance, Policies and Projects’(ISSN: 1825-8689). DOI: 10.3280/TR2017-083005.
  50. Calzada, I. & Cowie, P. (2017), Beyond Data-Driven Smart City-Regions? Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes StrategiesRegions 308(4): 25-28. (ISSN: 1367-3882). DOI: 10.1080/13673882.2017.11958675.
  51. Calzada, I. (2017), Metropolitan and City-Regional Politics in the Urban Age: Why Does ‘(Smart) Devolution’ Matter? Palgrave Communications 3(17094): 1-17. In the Special Issue ‘Politics of the Urban Age (ISSN: 2055-1045). DOI: 10.1057/palcomms.2017.94
  52. Calzada, I. (2017), Metropolitan and Post-national Urbanity Beyond (Pluri)Nation(al)-States in the EU: Benchmarking Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country, JEMIE Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minorty Issues in Europe 16(1): 51-78 (ISSN: 1617-5247).
  53. Calzada, I. (2017), Post-national urbanity beyond (pluri)nation(al) states in the EU: Benchmarking Scotland, Catalonia, and the Basque Country, Debats 2, 19-31. DOI:
  54. Calzada, I. (2017), Urbanidad Post-national Más Allá de los Estados-(Pluri)Nación(ales) en la UE: Comparativa entre Escocia, Catalunya y el País Vasco, Debats 131(1): 51-63. Special Issue ‘Monogràfic Plurinacionalitat, federalisme i sobiranies a l’Estat espayol: mirades creuades‘ (ISSN: 0212-0585). DOI:
  55. Calzada, I. (2017), The Techno-Politics of Data and Smart Devolution in City-Regions: Comparing Glasgow, Bristol, Barcelona, and Bilbao. Systems Journal 5(1): 1-18. Special Issue ‘Smart Cities and Regions as Systems of Innovation’ (ISSN 2079-8954). DOI: 10.3390/systems5010018
  56. Calzada, I. (2016), (Un)Plugging Smart Cities with Urban Transformations: Towards Multistakeholder City-Regional Complex Urbanity? URBS, Revista de Estudios Urbanos y Ciencias Sociales Journal 6(2): 25-45. (ISSN: 2014-2714). Retrieved from:
  57. Casado, A. & Calzada, I. (2015), Demos-Ethos: A Framework to Study the Icelandic and Basque Cases through Critical Social Innovation and Applied Ethics. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 28(4): 425-442. DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2015.1089472.
  58. Calzada, I. (2015), Benchmarking Future City-Regions beyond Nation-States. RSRS Regional Studies Regional Science 2(1): 350-361. DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2015.1046908.
  59. Calzada, I. & Cobo, C. (2015), Unplugging: Deconstructing the Smart City. Journal of Urban Technology 22(1): 23-43. DOI: 10.1080/10630732.2014.971535.
  60. Hennig, B. D. & Calzada, I. (2015), In Focus: Regions between Recentralisation and Independence. Political Insight  6(1): 20-21. DOI: 10.1111/2041-9066.12083.
  61. Calzada, I. (2015), Benchmarking Cross-Border City-Regions: Basque and Øresund Comparative Territorial Connection. Regions 297(1): 4-8. DOI: 10.1080/13673882.2015.11431633.
  62. Calzada, I. (2015), Cities & Nations/Hiriak eta Nazioak (in Basque), Grand Place Journal. Number 3, Issue Identities/Identitateak/Identitades. pp. 85-91 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24229.45288/2 ISSN: 2386-429X.
  63. Calzada, I. (2014), The Right to Decide in Democracy between Recentralisation and Independence: Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Regions 296(4): 7-8. DOI: 10.1080/13673882.2014.11431613.
  64. Calzada, I. (2013), Critical Social Innovation in the Smart City era for a City-Regional European Horizon 2020. Journal of Public Policies & Territory P3T 2(6): 1-20.
  65. Calzada, I. (2012), @Euskal Hiria Orain: Iragana eta Geroaren artean. Aldiri: Arkitektura eta abar, 11, 88-39.
  66. Sarasua, J., Amezaga, J., Calzada, I., & Suberbiola, P. (2009), Hizkuntza identitateak identitate berrien baitan: mahai-ingurua, In Suberbiola, P. (ed): Bat soziolinguistika aldizkaria 72. ISSN: 1130-8435. pp. 51-68.
  67. Arbonies, A.L. & Calzada, I. (2007), El poder del conocimiento tácito: por encima del aprendizaje organizacional. Intangible Capital 0(4): 296-312. DOI: 10.3926/ic.29.

  • BOOKS (14):
  1. Calzada. I. (2024, Forthcoming), Datafied Democracies Unplugged, Cham: Springer.
  2. Calzada, I. (2024, Forthcoming), Benchmarking City-Regions, Regions and Cities Series, London and New York: Routledge. ISBN (Hardback): 978-1-138-93258-2 and eISBN: 978-1-138-93258-6.
  3. Calzada, I. (2022), Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, Emerald Points Series. ISBN: 9781803823324. DOI:10.1108/9781803823317.
  4. Calzada, I. (2022), Digital Rights in Algorithmic Stateless Nations. Brussels: Coppieters Foundation.
  5. Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City Citizenship, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc. [ISBN (Paperback): 978-0-12-815300-0]. doi:10.1016/c2017-0-02973-7.
  6. Craglia, M., Scholten, H., Micheli, M., Hradec, J., Calzada, I., Luitjens, S., Ponti, M., & Boter, J. (2021). Digitranscope: The governance of digitally-transformed society, EUR 30590 EN, Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-92-76-30229-2 (online), doi:10.2760/503546 (online), JRC123362, 30590 EN, KJ-NA-30590-EN-N (online).
  7. Satyam, A. & Calzada, I. (2017), The Smart City Transformations. The Revolution of the 21st Century. New Delhi, New York, Sydney and London: Bloomsbury Academic and Professional Publishing. ISBN-10: 9386349043 & ISBN-13: 978-9386349040.
  8. Calzada, I. & Bildarratz, J. (Eds.)(2015), Political Innovation, Berrikuntza Politikoa, Innovación Política: #Zubigintza, Zumaia: TransLoKal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing. ISBN (paperback): 978-84-942752-4-1 & (ebook): 978-84-942752-6-5. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13761.76645.
  9. Calzada, I. (2014), PostIndependentzia > #HanIzanikHonaGara, Zumaia: TransLoKal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-942752-1-0 & ISBN (paperback): 978-84-942752-2-7. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33265.28007.
  10. Calzada, I., Chautón, A. & Di Siena, D. (2013), MacroMesoMicro: Systemic Territory Framework from the perspective of Social Innovation. ISBN: 978-84-616-5217-4.
  11. Calzada, I., Chautón, A. & Di Siena, D. (2013), MacroMesoMicro: Marco Sistémico de Territorio desde la Innovación Social. ISBN: 978-84-616-7546-3.
  12. Calzada, I. (2011a), Towards the Basque City-Region: Comparative Territorial Benchmarking from the Social Innovation. Portland & Dublin case studies. Zamudio: Innovation Basque Agency, Innobasque, 2011. Depósito Legal: BI-3114/2011. CC 3.0. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22360.08960.
  13. Calzada, I.  (2011b), ¿Hacia una Ciudad Vasca? Aproximación desde la Innovación Social. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco. ISBN: 978-84-457-3180-2. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20682.36801.
  14. Calzada, I. (Coord.) (2005), The Future of Work. The Work of the Future. Edit. Mik. ISBN: 84-96543-13-7.

  1. Calzada, I. (2025) Leveraging Generative AI for Democracy: Detection Techniques of Trust Through Decentralized Web3 Ecosystems. In A. Visvizi et al. (ed), Multidisciplinary Movements in AI and Generative AI: Society, Business, Education. Chentelham: Edward Elgar.
  2. Masso, A., Calzada, I., & Scheel, S. (2025) Disrupting State-Citizen Interactions: The Emergence of ‘Citizenship by Connection’. In Amelia Johns and Arne Hintz. Handbook of Digital Citizenship. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  3. Calzada, I. (2024) From Data-opolies to Decentralization? The AI Disruption Amid the Web3 Promiseland at Stake in Datafied Democracies. In Anna Visvizi, Vincenzo Corvello, and Orlando Troisi. Research and Innovation Forum 2024. Cham: Springer
  4. Calzada, I. (2024) Data Sovereignty Amid Datafied Network States In. Research Handbook on Big Data and Economic Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  5. Calzada, I. (2024) Data (Un)Sustainability: Navigating Utopan Resistance While Tracing Emancipatory Datafication Strategies. In Certomá, C., Martelozzo, F. & Iapaolo, F. Digital (Un)Sustainabilities. Promises, Contradictions, and Pitfalls of the Digitaliation-Sustainability Nexus. Oxon: Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781003441311-11.
  6. Calzada, I. (2023) Smart Rural Communities for the Agenda 2030: Action Research, Living Labs, and SDGs. In Iyer-Raninga, U. Contemporary Rural Development Programs. Sustainable Development Book Series. London: IntechOpen. ISBN: 978-1-83768-274-4. ISSN: 2753-6580. DOI:
  7. Calzada, I. (2023) Beyond the Local-Global Nexus: Towards Diasporic e-Citizenship. In Zuberogoitia, A. and Madinabeitia, M. UniberZiutatea/UniverCity. Reno: Centre for Basque Studies – University of Nevada Press. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.19910.96326/1.
  8. Calzada, I. (2022), The Right to Have Digital Rights in Smart Cities. In Harald A. Mieg (Ed) Social Innovation in Sustainable Urban Development. pp. 27-54. Basel: MDPI. ISBN: 978-3-0365-4173-0. ISBN: 978-3-0365-4174-7. doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-4174-7.
  9. Calzada, I. (2021), Digitalización (potencialmente federalizante). In El Futuro de la Unión Europea: Una Visión Desde Euskadi. Aportaciones a la Conferencia. pp. 1-55. Bilbao: Eurobasque. ISBN: 978-84-09-37911-8. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.14843.44323/2.
  10. Calzada, I. (2022), Democracia Postpandémica Tecnopolítica: Naciones Algorítmicas, Soberanía del Dato, Derechos Digitales, y Co-operativas de Dato. En Filibi, I., Escacedo, L. & Zabalo, J. (Ed) Formas y Escalas Emergentes de las Democracias Contemporáneas. Miradas desde la Sociedad Vasca. Dykinson: Madrid. pp. 123-146. ISBN: 978-84-1122-443-7. DOI:10.14679/13536.
  11. Calzada, I. (2022), Datafikazio Estrategia Emantzipatzaileak. Escacedo, L., Zabalo, J. & Filibi, I. (Ed) Demokraziaren Sakontzea eta Parte Hartzea, Hainbat Eskalatan. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea: Leioa. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.10106.77761/2. ISBN: 978-84-1319-550-6.
  12. Calzada, I. (2022), Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracy: Algorithmic Nations, Data Sovereignty, Digital Rights, and Data Cooperatives. In Zabalo, J., Filibi, I., & Escacedo, L. (Ed) Made-to-Measure Future(s) for Democracy? Views from the Basque Atalaia. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-3-031-08607-6. Online ISBN: 978-3-031-08608-3. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-08608-3_6. pp. 97-117.
  13. Calzada, I. (2021), Pandemic Citizenship amidst Stateless Algorithmic Nations: Digital Rights and Technological Sovereignty at Stake. In Pazos-Vidal, S., Silva, A., Antunes, S., Unfried, M., and Calzada, I. (Ed) Post-COVID Europe: Lessons from the pandemic and ideas for a more resilient and fair Europe. Coppieters Foundation/Post-Covid Europe series/4: Brussels. pp. 64-89. ISBN: 9789464008746. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36196.19849/3.
  14. Calzada, I. (2021), Seeing Platform and Data Co-operatives Through the European Post COVID-19 Citizenship, In Craglia, M. (ed.), Digitranscope: The governance of digitally-transformed society, EUR 30590 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-30229-2 (online), doi:10.2760/503546 (online), JRC123362, 30590 EN, KJ-NA-30590-EN-N (online)  DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12722.22729/1.
  15. Calzada, I. (2020), Setting up the Basque Algorithmic Nation: Technological Sovereignty Amidst the Post-COVID-19 SocietyEuskal Nazio Algoritmikoa Sortuz: Subirautza Teknologikoa Post-COVID-19 Gizartean. In TMLab (ed), COVID-19 eta ondoren zer? ELKAR: Donostia. ISBN: 978-84-1360-004-8.
  16. Calzada, I. (2020), Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorithmic, Liquid, Metropolitan and Stateless Citizenship Ideal Types. In Sami Moisio, Natalie Koch, Andrew EG Jonas, Christopher Lizotte, and Juho Luukkonen (eds), Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State: New Spaces of Geopolitics. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 368-384. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17301.6832/1.
  17. Calzada, I. (2020), Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic, Techno-Political and City-Regional Lenses, In Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon. Edited by the Coppieters and Ezkerraberri Foundations. 2020/01. Chapter 6. pp 74-89. Brussels: Centre Maurits Coppieters CMC. ISBN: 978-90-826321-0-1. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33522.45769/1.
  18. Calzada, I. (2018), Political Regionalism: Devolution, Metropolitanisation, and the Right to Decide. In Anssi Paasi, John Harrison and Martin Jones (eds), Handbook on the Geographies of Regions and Territories. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 231-242. DOI: 10.4337/9781785365805.00029. ISBN: 9781785365799.
  19. Calzada, I. (2018) From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities? In Vincenzo Mario Bruno Giorgino and Zachary David Walsh (eds), Co-Designing Economies in Transition: Radical Approaches in Dialogue with Contemplative Social Sciences. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 191-217. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-66592-4_11. ISBN: 978-3-319-66591-7.
  20. Calzada, I. (2017), Independentziaz (independentziarekin), Chapter in the Book Uranga, M. (Ed.) Erabakitzeko eskubidea, botere eragilea, burujabetasuna. Bilbao: Sorzain argitaletxea. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24508.54404. ISBN: 978-84-946721-8.
  21. Calzada, I. (2013), Knowledge Building & Organizational Behaviour: Mondragon Case, In Moulaert, F., MacCallum, D., Mehmood, A. and Hamdouch, A. International Handbook of Social Innovation.  Social innovation: Collective action, Social learning and Transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (UK) Publishing. 219-229. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30748.69766. ISBN: 978 1 78254 559 0.
  22. Gutierrez-Rubí, A., Espelt, R. & Calzada, I. (2013), Nación-Red: ¿De la nación a la comunidad virtual? Lleida: Universitat de Lleida, pp. 1-33. ISBN: 978-84-939066-6-5.
  23. Calzada, I. & Barandiaran, K. (2013), ¿Hacia un Modelo de Gestión de Museos en Red (MGMenRed)? PostCrisis, Benchmarking y Euskal Hiria, In Arrieta, I. (ed): Reinventando los Museos, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, pp. 201-223. ISBN: 978-84-9860-764-2. Lege gordailua/Depósito legal: BI 2232-2012.
  24. Calzada, I. & Barandiaran, K.  (2011), Gestión de Museos en red (GMenRed): Hacia un Modelo de Gestión Museo 2.0, In Asensio, M. & Asenjo, ME (ed): Lazos de Luz Azul. Museos y Tecnologías 1, 2 y 3.0, Barcelona: Universitat  Oberta de Catalunya, pp. 129-138. ISBN: 978-84-9788-422-8.
  25. Calzada, I. (2006), Sustainable Development in the Basque City-Region (Euskal Hiria): the future of work and innovation by means of creative communities and classes // El desarrollo sostenible en la Euskal Hiria: El futuro del trabajo y la innovación mediante comunidades y clases creativas. XVI Congreso de Estudios Vascos: Garapen Iraunkorra-IT. etorkizuna = Desarrollo Sostenible-IT. el futuro = Dévelopment Durable IT. le future (16. 2006. Donostia).– Donostia: Eusko Ikaskuntza. ISBN-10: 84-8419-022-6; ISBN-13:978-84-8419-022-6. pp. 619-629. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.2853.91361/1.
  26. Dorronsoro, I., Calzada, I., Fdez, C., Lizaso, I., and Agirre, A. (2005), Estrategia en la empresa digital extendida basada en el conocimiento, In Mujika, A. (ed): Conocimiento para el desarrollo. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. ISBN: 84-9830-004-5. pp. 385-399.
  27. Beti, I., Ugarte, L., Calzada, I., Zaloña, J. and Andueza, I. (2005), Los trabajadores del conocimiento: redefinición, aportaciones metodológicas y una herramienta de diagnóstico, In Mujika, A. (ed): Conocimiento para el desarrollo. Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. ISBN: 84-9830-004-5. pp. 425-450.
  28. Ayerbe, M., Calzada, I. and Olaia Larruskain (2002), El trabajo como valor: los valores en CAPV – Navarra y en la UE, In Elzo, J. (ed): Los valores de los vascos y navarros ante el nuevo milenio: Tercera aplicación de la encuesta europea de valores (1990, 1995, 1999). Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto. ISBN: 84-7485-840-2. pp. 121-176.

  1. Calzada, I. et al. (2023). Global Innovation Co-op Summit 2023. (2023). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13092.04485.
  2. Bühler, M., Calzada, I., Cane, I., Jelinek, T., Kapoor, A., Mannan, M., Mehta, S., Mookerjee, V.S., Nübel, K., Pentland, A., Scholz, T., Siddarth, D., Tait, J., Vaitla, B., & Zhu, J. (2023). Harnessing Digital Federation Platforms and Data Cooperatives to Empower SMEs and Local Communities. TF-2: Our Common Digital Future: Affordable, Accessible, and Inclusive Digital Public Infrastructure. G20/T20 Policy Brief. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22347.98083/1.
  3. Scholten, H., Craglia, M., Micheli, M., Hradec, J., Calzada, I., Luitjens, S., Ponti, M., & Boter, J. (2021). Digitranscope: The governance of digitally–transformed society. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN_ 978-92-76-30229-2 (online). doi:10.2760/503546 (online). JRC123362.
  4. Scholten, H., Craglia, M., Micheli, M., Hradec, J., Calzada, I., Luitjens, S., Ponti, M., & Boter, J. (2021). Digitranscope: Key Findings, Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN: 978-92-76-30424-1 (online), doi:10.2760/169341 (online), JRC124113, KJ-01-21-070-EN-N (online).
  5. Scholten, H., Craglia, M., Micheli, M., Calzada, I., Misuraca, G., & Hradec, J. (2020). DigiTranScope Autumn Institute 2020: Governance of Digitally Transformed Societies. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. JRC. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26912.20482/2.
  6. Craglia, M., Gomez, E., Glovicko, J., Manzan, S., Scholten, H., Barbaglia, L., Calzada, I., Charisi, V., Consoli, S., Hradec, J., Micheli, M., Miron, M., Tiozzo Pezzoli, L., Tolan, S., & Tosetti, E. (2020), Centre for Advanced Studies – CAS, Amran, G. & Sutherland, S. (Eds.), Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. JRC119959. DOI: 10.2760/97389. ISBN: 978-92-76-17589-6.
  7. Calzada, I. (2020), Open Data Platform to Share the Outcomes Integrated in the Common ICT Platform (Weblink (Horizon 2020: REPLICATE Project Reports No. 8.5.). Oxford: University of Oxford. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21412.83843/2.
  8. Calzada, I. (2019), Activating the Basque Network of Smart Municipalities through 2018-2019 Implementation of the Strategic Programme HERRISMARTIK (Basque Smart City-Regional Strategy in the H2020 European Context)/Activando la Red Vasca de Municipios Inteligentes mediante la Implementación 2018-2019 del Programa HERRISMARTIK (Estrategia Vasca de Territorio Inteligente en el Contexto Europeo Horizonte 2020). Oxford: University of Oxford. ISBN: 978-84-946385-6-5. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14382.97606
  9. Calzada, I. (2019), Report on Conclusions of the Interviews and the Focus Groups (Horizon 2020: REPLICATE Project Reports No. 8.4.). Oxford: University of Oxford. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20416.58884
  10. Calzada, I. & Keith, M. (2018), Bridging European Urban Transformations Workshop Series 2016-2018, @utconnect digest (4th Edition) funded by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council), September 2018. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32474.39365.
  11. Calzada, I. (2018), AUZOLABS: Recomendaciones Estratégicas desde la Innovación Social para la Regeneración Urbana Integral mediante Barrios-Laboratorio (Urban Living Labs) – NEIGHBOURHOODLABS: Neighbourhood Laboratories for the Urban Integral Regeneration through Strategic Recommendations from the Social Innovation.  EUSKO JAURLARITZA//GOBIERNO VASCO. Ingurumena, Lurralde Plangintza eta Etxebizitza Saila//Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial y Vivienda. Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making y University of Oxford. ISBN: 978-84-946385-4-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36311.11686.
  12. Calzada, I. (2018), SMART RURAL COMMUNITIES (SRC): Towards a New Development Model for International Co-operation? Experimenting through a Fieldwork Action Research in Colombia and Mozambique. Ed. Ayuda en Acción, Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making y University of Oxford. ISBN: 978-84-946385-2-7. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24971.59685/1.
  13. Calzada, I. & Arranz, A. (2018), Plan de Turismo Zumaia 2018-2021: Garantizando el Bienestar de los/las Locales y la Convivencia con los/las Visitantes, Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making y University of Oxford. ISBN: 978-84-946385-3-4. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12686.46409/1.
  14. Keith, M. & Calzada, I. (2018), Back to the “Urban Commons”? Social Innovation through New Co-operative Forms in Europe, Urban Transformations ESRC report on 12th February 2018 Workshop entitled ‘Rethinking the Urban Commons in European City-Regions’. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22227.27688/1
  15. Keith, M. & Calzada, I. (2018), Citizenship in a Changing Multi-Scalar Post-Brexit European Context, Urban Transformations ESRC report on 11th September 2017 Workshop entitled ‘Scaling Migration through the European City-Regions’. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21119.71842/1.
  16. Keith, M. & Calzada, I. (2017), European Urban Living Labs As Experimental City-to-City Learning Platforms, Urban Transformations ESRC report on 13th February 2017 Workshop entitled ‘Experimenting with Urban Living Labs (ULLs) Beyond Smart City-Regions’. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20968.47361.
  17. Keith, M. & Calzada, I. (2016), European Smart Citizens as Decision Makers Rather Than Data Providers, Urban Transformations ESRC report on 14th November 2016 Workshop entitled ‘(Un)Plugging Data in Smart City-Regions‘. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11175.14240/1.
  18. Calzada, I. (2016), HERRISMARTIK: Basque Smart City-Regional Strategy in the H2020 European Context / La Estrategia Vasca de Territorio Inteligente en el Contexto Europeo Horizonte 2020: De la Agenda Digital Municipal a la Gobernanza de la Ciudad-Región Vasca Inteligente – HERRISMARTIK commissioned by EUDEL (Basque Municipalities’ Association), LKS Consultancy and the Basque Regional Government, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Information Society Department. Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. ISBN: 978-84-946385-1-0. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10932.76161
  19. Calzada, I. (2016), (Un)Plugging Smart Cities Transformations and Strategies in Europe, Harvard University Whitepaper contribution given on 13th October at 2016 Strategic Innovation Summit: Smart Cities Europe held by the Dublin City Council and the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard University in Dublin, Maynooth University. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34524.80000.
  20. Calzada, I. & McAdam, G. (2016), Smartness for Prosperity: Brazil & UK   Policy report commissioned by Future Cities Catapult in collaboration with MACI Innovation in Projects. Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, Donostia. ISBN: 978-84-942752-9-6. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1074.0087.
  21. Calzada, I. (Ed) [Abubaker, H., Bensaid, M., Butler, M., Cameron, M., Doin, S., Duke, I., Dutary, R., Fleming-Knox, A.R., & Klinefelter, T.] (2018), Global Sustainable City-Regions: Naples, Glasgow, Rio de Janeiro, Lyon, Panamá, Kuala-Lumpur, & Silicon Valley, Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, in collaboration with the Institute for Future Cities, University of Strathclyde. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-946385-5-8. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21794.73922.
  22. Calzada, I. (Ed) [Candel, M., Fritsche, L., Hui, D., Islam, O., Issar, S., Kamwanja, A., Lucy, L., Mueller, R., Piamsawat, N., Riekkinen, V. & Sampson, R.] (2017), Global Sustainable City-Regions: Stockholm, Berlin, Kolkata, Abu Dhabi/Masdar, Bengaluru, Malawi, Belfast, Hong Kong, Seoul, Helsinki, & Scotland, Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, in collaboration with the Institute for Future Cities, University of Strathclyde. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-946385-0-3. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14958.72000/2.
  23. Calzada I. (Ed) [MacDonald, K., Qiu, N., Dynes, C., Murray, G., Watson-Puskas, N., McAdam, G., & Barrett, F.] (2016), Global Sustainable City-Regions: Mumbai, Shenzhen, Reykjavik, Portland, Budapest, Glasgow, & Rotterdam, Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, in collaboration with the City Protocol Society and the Institute for Future Cities, University of Strathclyde. ISBN (e-book): 978-84-942752-7-2. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3053.1609.
  24. Calzada, I. (2016), Decálogo de Innovación Social Abierta y Estratégica en Acción en el Ecosistema de Donostia-San Sebastián, Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making in collaboration with Fomento San Sebastián / Donostiako Sustapena. Donostia-St. Sebastian (Basque Country – Spain) on 26th October 2015. ISBN: 978-84-942752-8-9.
  25. Calzada, I. (2015), Gizarte Berrikuntza: Lurraldegintza Estrategikorako. Policy Paper < > Politika-Txostena. Ikerketa Estrategikoa. BeteBerritzen Proiektua. [Elhuyar Aholkularitza, Gipuzkoa Foru Aldundia eta Beterri]. Zumaia: TransLoKal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making – Publishing, Donostia. ISBN: 84-942752-5-9.
  26. Calzada, I. (Coord.) (2007), Creative Society. Edit. Mik (DVD).
  27. Arboníes, A., Aldazabal, J., Arregi, B., Calzada, I., Fínez, J., & Lizaso, I. (2006). Rutinas Creativas: Dinámica de Equipos de Alto Rendimiento. Edit. Mik. ISBN: 84-96543-15-3. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35372.95363.
  28. Calzada, I. (Coord.) (2006), Creative Capital. Edit. Mik (DVD).

  1. Calzada, I. (2024) Democracy, participation, and privacy in smart cities: data, data-ecosystem, and citizens’ digital rights, Smart-Region-Business-Society Conference 2024, Institute of Enterprise, Warsaw School of Economics SGH, 29th Nov.
  2. Calzada, I. (2024) Data, Markets, and Society: Rethinking Challenges to Stability, Wellbeing, and Democracy in the Web 3.0 Era, International Economic Policy Department (ZMPE), Regional Excellence Initiative Programme (RID), Warsaw School of Economics SGH, 28th Nov. 
  3. Calzada, I. (2024) SOAM Network Sovereignties: Reimagining Collective Action Beyond the Nation-State. 1-30 Sept. Ammersee (Germany).
  4. Calzada, I. (2024) Enfield EU project: Trustworthy AI workshop. Eindhoven (Netherlands), 13 Sept.
  5. Calzada, I. (2024) Data-In-Flux: Conceptual and Methodological Challenges in the Study of Data On Move. Data Power Conference, Graz (Austria) & Bangalore (India), 4-6 Sept.
  6. Calzada, I. (2024) AI for Social Innovation. Summer Course AI4SI. 2-3 September. Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain).
  7. Calzada, I. (2024) PostWestphalian Datafied Network States. Digital Territories. RGS-IBS Annual Meeting, London (UK), 27-30 August.
  8. Calzada, I. (2024) Digital Foundational Economy: AI, Data Democracy, and Social Innovation. WISERD Annual Conference 2024. Aspiring to Achieve a Fairer Society, South Wales University, Cardiff (UK), 3-4 July.
  9. Calzada, I. (2024) Bridging Public Spheres in Wales and the Basque Country. Creating Public Spheres. Canolfan Richard Price Centre. 2nd July, Cardiff University (UK), Aberdare Hall.
  10. Calzada, I. (2024) Exploring Coordi-Nations and New Network Sovereignties: Research Workshop and Public Conference. Healdsburg, California (USA). 17-27 June.
  11. Calzada, I. (2024) 2024 Equitable Tech Summit. National Press Club, Washington DC (USA), 6 June.
  12. Calzada, I. (2024) Datafied Democracies, Tallinn University of Technology – TalTech (Estonia), May.
  13. Calzada, I. (2024) What is an Algorithmic Nation? Sovereignties Under Scrutiny. 4th International Conference on Nationalism. Bilbao, 24th May.
  14. Calzada, I. (2024) Da-opolies, AI, and Web3. Research & Innovation Forum 2024, Ravello (Italy), 10-12 April.
  15. Calzada, I. (2023) HanHemen: Blockchain-Driven Digital Nomadism in the Basque e-Diaspora, VIII Congreso Mundial de Colectividades Vascas/De la Comunidad Vasca en el Exterior, San Sebastian (Spain), 18-21 Dec.
  16. Calzada, I. (2023) Wales and the Basque Country Cooperation: Action Research through Data Cooperatives, University of Mondragon, Univercity Conference, Bilbao (Spain), 14-15 Dec.
  17. Calzada, I. (2023) Global Processes and Nation Bulding: The Basque Algorithmic Nation through the Lenses of Digital Nomadism Amid the e-Diaspora. Naziometroa: Euskal Burujabetzaren Barometroa/Nationmeter: Basque Sovereignty Barometer, University of the Basque Country & TMLab, St Sebastian (Spain), 22 Nov.
  18. Calzada, I. (2023) Digital Social Innovation, University of Torino, Torino (Italy), 13 Nov.
  19. Calzada, I. (2023) How to Federate A Translocal Movement of Data Cooperatives Worldwide?, Global Innovation Coop Summit, Montreal (Canada), 29 Sept.
  20. Calzada, I. (2023) Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes, Workshop: New Tools for the Digital Society, Philipps Universität Marburg (Germany), 29 Sept.
  21. Calzada I. (2023) Digital Infrastructure – Government Strategy, Data and Cyber Security, Procurement, and Service Delivery, Standards and Interoperability, Coordination Across Sectors and Regions, and Addressing Privacy Concerns. Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport, London (UK), 13 Sept.
  22. Calzada, I. (2023) Smart City Citizenship: Artificial Intelligence (AI) from a Transdisciplinary Social Science Perspective, University of Salamanca (Spain), GECOS, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, Salamanca (Spain), 11 Sept.
  23. Calzada, I. (2023) Towards an Algorithmic Nation? Dilemmas Around Synthetic Citizenship in Northern Ireland. The Synthetic City: Potentials, Politics, and Everyday Life, Dublin (Ireland), 6-7 Sept.
  24. Calzada, I. (2023) Data Cooperatives & DAOs Nexus, The Science of Blockchain Conference 2022 (SBC’23), 2023 Stanford DAO Workshop, Stanford Centre for Blockchain, Cornell IC3, and Berkeley RDI. Stanford University, Silicon Valley, Palo Alto, California (USA), 31st August.
  25. Calzada, I. (2023) Smart Rural Communities via Action Research en Colombia y Mozambique. Jornadas Internationales en Participación, Investigación-Acción y Desarrollo Comunitario. Parte Hartuz. Bilbao, 26-28 April. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33861.52963.
  26. Calzada, I. (2023), Are Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes Rescaling Nation-States? Datafied States and Algorithmic Nations at Stake. Session Scaling Citizenship, 23-27 March, AAG Annual Meeting, Denver – Colorado (USA). DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.33870.13128
  27. Calzada, I. (2022), Fulbright Reception, 10 October, California State University.
  28. Calzada, I. (2022), Digital Sustainability, EURegionsWeekUniversity, 10-13 October, European Commission.
  29. Calzada, I. (2022), e-Diasporas and Digital Citizenship, Stanford University, DAO Workshop 2022 and The Conference of the Science of Blockchain. 1 September, Stanford University.
  30. Calzada, I. (2022), Digital Foundational Economy, WISERD Annual Conference 2022 – ‘Civil Society and Participation: Issues of Equality, Identity, and Cohesion in a Changing Social Landscape’. 6-7 July, Swansea University.
  31. Calzada, I. (2022), Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes: Postpandemic Technopolitical Democracies, RAI2022: Anthropology, AI, and the Future of Human Society.  6-10 June.
  32. Calzada, I. (2022), Europe’s cities in the 2020s: Change, Challenges and Governance Capacity. LSE Cities European Cities Programme, London. 4 May.
  33. Calzada, I. (2022), Platform Co-operativism and Public Policies, DigiLabour, Brazil. 30 April.
  34. Calzada, I. (2022), Building Bridges Towards the Hard and Soft Smart City Citizenship, IEEE European Technology & Engineering  Management Summit (IEEE ETEMS 2022). 9th-11th March 2022, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao. ‘Building Bridges Towards Responsible Smart Cities’.
  35. Calzada, I. (2021), Univercity: Organize Locally to Respond Globally, Mondragon University, Bilbao (Spain). 9th-10th December.
  36. Calzada, I. (2021), Digital Citizenship in the Post-Pandemic Urban Realm, Cities, Mobility, and Digital Citizenship Conference. The New School of Social Research, NYC (USA). 1st December.
  37. Calzada, I. (2021), Data Co-Operatives through Data Sovereignty: Towards a Digital Foundational Economy?, WISERD Seminar. 30th November.
  38. Calzada, I. (2021), Fostering Inclusive Growth to ‘Level Up’ the UK: Lessons from the Basque Country, Birmingham (UK), 29th November.
  39. Calzada, I. (2021), Hyperconnected Diasporas Amidst Pandemic Citizenship: The End of the “Global Citizen”? 31st AEMI Conference, 30th Sept. – 1st Oct., San Sebastián (Spain). doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17660.87687
  40. Calzada, I., Morgan, K., and Jones, I.R. (2021), Wales and Basque Country Cooperation, Cardiff University, WISERD & Euskampus Foundation, 4Gune Cluster, 28th Sept.
  41. Calzada, I. (2021) Pandemic Citizenship Amidst Stateless Algorithmic Nations: Digital Rights and Technological Sovereignty at Stake. The 9th World Sustainability Forum. 13-15 September. Basel, Switzerland.
  42. Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City-Regions’ Citizenship: Data Devolution in Pandemic Times. The making of city-regions: Mobility, innovation and networks. SwissLab_2021. Lugano-Locarno (Switzerland). 9-10 September. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.20408.26888.
  43. Calzada, I. (2021) Future of Cities, OECD. Porto (Portugal). 5 September.
  44. Calzada, I. (2021), Digitalisation: Potentially Federalising, Summer School on The Future of the European Union: A Vision from the Basque Country. Conference Proceedings. Contributions to the Conference. EuroBasque and the University of the Basque Country. Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain), 8-9 July. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.14843.44323/2.
  45. Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City Citizenship, WISERD Away Day. May 20th.
  46. Calzada, I. (2021), Data and Platform Co-operatives amidst the European Algorithmic and Liquid Citizenship. Accepted paper in the Data Justice Lab 2020, Civic Participation in the Datafied Society, Cardiff University, 20-21 May, Cardiff (UK). doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.19046.34883.
  47. Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City Citizenship: Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary Era, Honorable Keynote Conference Speaker, 4th International Conference of Contemporary Affairs in Architecture and Urbanism, ICCAUA2021, 20-21 May, Antalya (Turkey).
  48. Scholz, T., Calzada, I., O’Brien, D., Spicer, J., & Lurie, R.(2021), Can Co-operatives Build Worker Power? Platform Co-operativism Consortium RadFest via Internet Archive, The New School. 6th April.
  49. Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City Citizenship in the Sharing Economy‘ Keynote Conference Speaker, Sharing Cultures: 7th International Workshop on Sharing Economy, 24-26 Feb, Barcelona (Spain). Member of the Scientific Committee. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27812.50560/1
  50. Calzada, I. (2021), Digital Transformations and How It is Changing Our Lives: Origins, Processes, Promises & Perils, European Commission, IntoEU 2 Feb, Brussels (Belgium). #IntoEU.
  51. Calzada, I. (2021), The Future of Urban Living Post Pandemic Consultation, 22 Jan. St Georges House, England (UK).
  52. Bustard, J. & Calzada, I. (2021) The Innovation Imperative in Smart Cities and Smart Tourism:  A Call for Collaboration Toward Building and Sharing Knowledge of Patterns of Success in Sustainable Living and Climate Renewal. ENTER Exchange, 19-22 January.
  53. Calzada, I. & Craglia, M. (2021) Platform and Data Co-operatives as Data Governance Alternative Models, 10th December, JRC, Ispra (Italy).
  54. Calzada, I. (2020), The Economy of the 4.0 Cities radio/zoom roundtable via Urban Expert Meeting, 26 Nov. Barcelona (Spain).
  55. Calzada, I. (2020), ‘The European Vision: Public Spaces and Tourism roundtable held by Tarragona Province Council, 23rd November, Tarragona (Spain).
  56. Calzada, I. (2020), Digital Rights: CC4DR General Assembly, Smart City Expo World Congress 2020, 18 Nov., Barcelona (Spain).
  57. Alzua-Sorzabal, M-A., Abad Galtzakorta, M., Bravo, P., Calzada, I., Finkel, R., Sweeney, M., Wilson, J., Irazabalbeitia, I. & Centelles, I. (2020), Transforming Tourism: Regional Perspectives on a Global Phenomenon. The 8th World Sustainability Forum. 15-17 September 2020. Basel, Switzerland.
  58. Calzada, I. (2020), Digital Transformations & the (Smart) City. DigiTranScope Autumn Institute 2020, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Italy), 8 October.
  59. Calzada, I. (2020), Smart Cities and Communities (SCC01) Task Group Replication, Replication Strategy: City-to-City Learning, 17 September.
  60. Calzada, I. (2020), Data Ecosystems and Democracy: Techno-Politics in Smart Cities. ‘Building Smart Cities with Citizens and for the Commonweal: A Symposium’, Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place, University of Liverpool, 9 March, Liverpool (UK). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12350.23361.
  61. Calzada, I. (2020), Urban, Political, and Digital Global Transformations, 2020 Winter Humanities and Social Sciences Course, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 10-11 Feb., Oxford (UK).
  62. Calzada, I. (2020), The Role of Social Movements in Social Innovation, Topaldia (Euskaltzaleen Topagunea), 6 Feb., Bilbao (Spain).
  63. Calzada, I. (2019), Catalonia Rescaling Spain: Is it feasible to accommodate its ‘stateless citizenship’? Panel ‘Life at the Edge of Nations: Hong Kong, Kashmir, Catalonia’ organised by King’s Think Tank, King’s College London, 14 Nov., London (UK).
  64. Calzada, I. (2019), Emerging Citizenship Regimes and Rescaling (European) Nation-States: Algorithmic, Liquid, Metropolitan and Stateless Citizenship Ideal Types. Workshop on Public Policy, Cities and the State jointly co-organised by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona (UPF), Department of Political and Social Sciences & SciencesPo (Centre d’Études Européennes et de Politique Comparée)-Paris, UPF, 26-27 Sept., Barcelona (Spain).
  65. Calzada, I. & Mudarra, F. (2019), Scientific Direction of Smart Rural Communities (Towards a new ‘smart’ rural development model for international co-operation?) Summer School, in collaboration with the NGO Ayuda en Acción, University of the Basque Country, 12-13 Sept., St. Sebastian (Spain).
  66. Calzada, I. (2019), Introduction to Smart Cities: The Role of Digital Social Networks (aka Social Media), St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. International Summer Course on Social Sciences & Humanities and Science & Technology.
  67. Calzada, I. (2019), From Smart Cities to Experimental Cities? St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. International Summer Course on Social Sciences & Humanities and Science & Technology.
  68. Calzada, I. (2019), Accepted paper ‘Algorithmic Nations through Liquid Sovereignties in Europe’ in the 26th International Conference of Europeanists entitled ‘Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe’, 20-22 June, Madrid (Spain).
  69. Calzada, I. (2019), Accepted paper Small European Stateless City-Regions Constructing (Civic/Metropolitanised) Nationalism? in Cities Against Nationalism International Symposium, University of Kent (UK), June 18.
  70. Calzada, I. (2019), Invited speaker on the City and Nation: Blending Metropolitanism and Nationalism?, in City and Nation: Changing Relations, New Perspectives in Urban and Cultural Studies, University of Bristol (UK), June 13.
  71. Calzada, I. & Almirall, E. (2019), Accepted paper Will Barcelona’s grasroots-led urban experimentation through the ‘data commons’ policy remain and be reinforced after the local elections in May 2019? in Data for Policy International Conference 2019, London (UK), June  11-12.
  72. Calzada, I. (2019), Invited speaker on Why does Smart Devolution matter in the age of Dataism at the 1st Conference of Public Policy UK-Chile, LSE and the University of Oxford- Blavatnik School of Governance, 24-25 May, London-Oxford (UK).
  73. Calzada, I. (2019), Invited panelist in the session Realising the valued of interdisciplinary research: How can critical theory be “applied” to smart cities? II – Panel Discussion in the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2019, Washington DC (USA), April 6.
  74. Calzada, I. & Almirall, E. (2019), Accepted paperIs Barcelona establishing a sustainable paradigm in Europe by grassroots-led smart urban experimentation through the ‘data commons’ policy?‘ in the session ‘Smart urban experimentation 3: Developments & resistances in knowledge politics & decision-making‘ in the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2019, Washington DC (USA), April 5.
  75. Calzada, I. (2019), Invited expert in the ‘DigiTranScope Workshop: Connecting Policy Developers and Decision Makers With the DigiTranScope experiments‘, Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, Ispra (Italy), March 28-29.
  76. Calzada, I. (2019), Invited panelist ‘Digital Rights’ in the European Smart Projects Summit, Panel on data security and governance for citizen services, San Sebastian (Spain), March 27.
  77. Calzada, I. (2019), Invited speaker ‘(Smart) Citizens from Data Providers to Decision Makers? Blending Digital Rights, Smart Municipalities and Platform Co-operatives’  in the Winter School by Barcelona Gov ‘Urban Governance and Policies in the City’ via IGOP, Barcelona (Spain), January 25.
  78. Calzada, I. (2019), Scientific director of the Smart Municipalities Symposium, HerriSmartik, St. Sebastian (Spain), January 24.
  79. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited expert on The Future of Urban Living Consultation via Future iQ at the Windsor Castle, College of St George (UK), December 15.
  80. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited moderator on the Smart City Expo World Congress 2018 (#SCEWC18) for the panel ‘How to Manage, Govern and Strategize on Urban Data?‘ in Barcelona. 15th November.
  81. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited speaker on 5:AM Conference ‘Using Altmetric: Experiences from the Front Line’. London (UK). 27th September.
  82. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited speaker on ‘Big Data and Urban Governance on the Margins of the City‘ workshop co-sponsored by the ESRC and British Academy at the King’s Colledge London (UK). 1-3th August.
  83. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited keynote speaker on XXI century and the diplomacy of cities and regions in the Summer School of the University of the Basque Country entitled Para-diplomacy of Nations in the XXI century and the Basque Country. Summer School Programme at the Miramar Palace, St. Sebastián, Basque Country (Spain). 9-10th July.
  84. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited keynote speaker on From the Smart Cities to the Experimental Cities? Techno-Political Predictive Data Analytics for the Pervasive Urban Algorithmic Realm, the Rennes Summer School 2018 on ‘Predictive Analytics, Big Data, Mobility and Open Platforms for an Efficient and Participative City‘, in Rennes, Britanny (France). 2-3rd July.
  85. Ureta, I. & Calzada, I. (2018), Contrasting regional innovation and devolution schemes across Europe paper presented at the Special Session SS31 ‘The impact of technological change on regional innovation dynamics and governance structures’ at the RSA Annual Conference Lugano 2018 ‘A World of Flows: Labour Mobility, Capital and Knowledge in an Age of Global Reversal and Regional Revival’ in Lugano (Switzerland) from 3rd to 6th June.
  86. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited keynote speaker on From the Smart Cities to the Experimental Cities? the Global Challenges Summit 2018 in Astana (Kazakhstan). 17-19th May.
  87. Calzada, I. (2018), Panelist on Seeing Tourism Transformations in Europe through Algorithmic and Techno-Political City-Regional Lenses at the roundtable on Challenges, Visions, and Ways Forward: Transforming Tourism from the European Regions, at the University of Deusto and organised by Coppieters Foundation and Ezkerraberri foundation. St. Sebastian, Basque Country (Spain), 3rd May.
  88. Calzada, I. (2018), Panelist on Intelligent governance, smarter cities – Central Government’s role in facilitating collaboration between cities, at the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Smart Cities (APPG) in the UK Parliament, Westminster, London (UK), 24th April.
  89. Calzada, I. (2018), Panelist on Metropolitanising European Stateless Small City-Regionalised Nations: Why Does (Smart) Devolution Matter? in Seeing Like a Region 2 and 3: Debates and Future Directions panel, at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting (#AAG2018) in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA), 14th April.
  90. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited keynote speaker on New game – new rules: How cities change their internal structures to keep up with innovation conference, at the Urban Future Global Conference 2018 in Vienna (Austria), 28th February.
  91. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited keynote speaker in the Science, Technology & Innovation Plan 2020 PCTI2020, Urban Habitat project on Social Innovation, Basque Government, Ministry of Territorial Planning, 13th February.
  92. Calzada, I. & Almirall, E. (2018), Invited keynote speaker on Cities & Data: How the Digital, Big Data & Data Science can Change the Way of Governing the City of Barcelona? 3rd Board of Directors of the City Council of Barcelona: Technical Session, Barcelona (Catalonia/Spain), 17th January.
  93. Calzada, I. (2018), Invited instructor and guest lecturer on Political Regionalism and Metropolitan Governance: Metropolitanisation and the Right to Decide in Europe. MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT Metro Lab Iniatiative Course 2018. Module I: Co-Creating the Metro Discipline. Theme: Metropolitan Governance., MITMetroLab, Cambridge/Boston – Massachusetts (USA), 11th January.
  94. Calzada, I. (2017), Invited keynote speaker on Smart Cities: Data Devolution in Europe, Data, Analytics & Cloud Speaker Series in the MSc Programmes in Management at the ESADE Business School, Barcelona (Catalonia/Spain), 23rd November.
  95. Calzada, I. (2017), Invited keynote speaker on Smart Cities and Transformations in Territories and Cities, MSc Course Urbanism and Territorial Studies 2017-2018 organised by IVAP (Instituto Vasco de Administraciones Públicas) and EVETU (Escuela Vasca de Estudios Territoriales y Urbanos) in Bilbao (Basque Country/Spain), 22th November.
  96. Calzada, I. (2017), Invited keynote speaker on TurisTIC: Tourism Living Lab, workshop at the Tarragona Province Council, Tarragona (Catalonia/Spain), 17th November.
  97. Calzada, I. (2017), Unplugging, Smart Devolution and Technopolitics of Data, panelist at Smart City Expo World Congress Barcelona 2017, Barcelona (Catalonia/Spain), 16th November.
  98. Calzada, I. (2017), Basque City-Regional Strategy in the H2020 European Context, policy report presentation commissioned by EUDEL (Basque Municipalities’ Association), Bilbao (Basque Country/Spain), 14th November.
  99. Calzada, I. (2017), ZumaiaLab: 2nd Tourism Living Lab in Zumaia Coastal village in the Basque Country (Spain), Zumaia (Basque Country/Spain), 10th November.
  100. Calzada, I. (2017), El Futuro de las Ciudades, #Irala100Urte civic association, Bilbao (Basque Country/Spain), 10th November.
  101. Calzada, I. (2017), In the midst of the  Illusions, Utopia and Dreams: From the Overlapping Realities of the Basque City-Region (Euskal Hiria), Smart Cities and Urban Entrepreneurship, keynote at the 1st International Architecture Biennial: Mugak, Fronteras, Boundaries and Frontières in St Sebastian (BasqueCountry/Spain), 9th November.
  102. Calzada, I. (2017), The Threatened City: Despersonalization, Tourist Massification and Gentrification, Roundtable at the 1st International Architecture Biennial: Mugak, Fronteras, Boundaries and Frontières in San Sebastián (Basque Country/Spain), 8th November.
  103. Calzada, I. (2017), Basque and Nordic Smart City-Regional Connections from the Social Innovation, Nordic Basque Forum in Bilbao (Basque Country/Spain), 19th October.
  104. Calzada, I. (2017), Local Governance and Regional Development, discussant at the EWCR European Week of Cities and Regions in the European Commission in Brussels, 10-12rd October.
  105. Calzada, I. (2017), Why Should ‘(Smart) Devolution’ Matter in/for the EU? Shared Leadership and the Right to Decide in Democracy, keynote speaker at the EWCR European Week of Cities and Regions in the European Commission in Brussels, 10th October.
  106. Calzada, I. (2017), Urban/Living Laboratories in Research and Policy: Where the Experimental City Meets the Participatory City?, organiser at the EWCR European Week of Cities and Regions in the European Commission in Brussels, 11th October.
  107. Calzada, I. (2017), The Missing Smart City(-Regional) Link? Towards A Social Innovation Bottom-Up Regional Policy Decalogue (in H2020), How and under what conditions can smart cities create employment and economic growth in the regions where they are introduced? Smart Cities and Regional Development panel, panelist at Nordic Edge Expo 2017, Smart Happiness, Stavanger (Norway), 28th September.
  108. Calzada, I. (2017), Democratising Smart Cities: Urban Commons, paper will be presented at the Spatial Smartness, Third Conference of the RSA Research Network on Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability, Gdansk (Poland), on 21-22 September.
  109. Calzada, I. (2017), Scaling Migration in European City-Regions, Bridging European Urban Transformations Workshop Series in, 11th September.
  110. Calzada, I. (2017), Keynote Speaker, Tourism in Smart Cities? Effects from the Urban Transformations Perspective, in the Conference The Visitors’ Economy: Strategies and Innovations: Smart Tourism, Smart Cities, Smart Living, Bournemouth (UK), 4th-7th September.
  111. Calzada, I. (2017), Transforming Smart Cities with Social Innovation: Penta Helix Multi-Stakeholders Framework, paper will be presented in the SS21 Beyond Smart & Data-Driven City-Regions? Rethinking Stakeholder-Helixes Strategies, in the RSA (Regional Studies Association) Annual Conference 2017, Dublin (Ireland), 6th June.
  112. Calzada, I. (2017), Politics of the urban age: who governs the future of cities? Panel discussion hosted by Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan on May 25, 2017 from 15:00-17:00 on London King’s Cross campus of SpringerNature.
  113. Calzada, I. (2017), Keynote Speaker, La Europa de ‘Nuestras’ Ciudades: El Poder ‘TransloKal’ de ‘Lo Pequeño’, in the Getxo Europa 2017 Conference, Getxo, Basque Country (Spain), on 10th May 2017.
  114. Calzada, I. (2017), Keynote Speaker, ¿La Cultura como Herramienta de Innovación?/Culture a Tool for Innovating?, in the Conferencia Estatal de la Cultura/Culture National Conference, Valladolid (Spain).
  115. Calzada, I. & Arranz, A. (2017), Translocal Strategies for Experimenting with Smart Tourism Labs in Zumaia: The Case of the Basque Coast Geopark, Basque Country (Spain), paper accepted and published in the Proceedings in the 1st UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations, Murcia (Spain). DOI:10.2139/ssrn.2920187.
  116. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker, Translocal Strategies: Connecting (Talented) Citizens in (Smart) Remote Regions, SmartTravel Conference 2016, Bragança (Portugal).
  117. Calzada, I. (2016), Seminar Speaker, (Un)Plugging Smart Cities? Transitions, Governance and Devolution. at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels Centre for Urban Studies on 17th November 2016 in Brussels (Belgium).
  118. Calzada, I. & Cobo, C. (2016), Workshop conductors, Educación para la Innovación y el Emprendimiento (Social): Ciudadanos Makers, WeekINN- St Sebastian City Council’s Innovation Week Programme on 25th October 2016 in St Sebastián (Spain).
  119. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker, (Un)Plugging Smart City Transformations & Strategies in Europe, 2016 Strategic Innovation Summit: Smart Cities Europe held by the Dublin City Council and the Technology and Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard University on 13th October 2016 in Dublin (Ireland).
  120. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. Unplugging Smart City-Regional Governance Strategies in Europe, First Conference Smart City-Regional Governance for Sustainability RSA Research Network. ‘Experimental Smartness’ on 6-7th October 2016 in Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Dresden (Germany).
  121. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. Smartness/Prosperity: In/Visible Citizens In Visible Cities. Edinburgh, 23rd September, organised by Rowan Alba NGO & MACI Innovation in Projects. (Scotland-UK)
  122. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. Defining Smart City Governance, TM Forum Smart City InFocus, Yinchuan (China).
  123. Calzada, I. (2016), Lectureship. Smart Cities: Definition and Case Studies, Summer Course on Best Sustainable Practice at the Future of Cities Programme, University of Oxford. (England-UK)
  124. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. The Identity of the European Cities, Summer School organised jointly by Bilbao Metropolitan Agency and St Sebastian Strategic Plan Office, 11-12nd July into the Miramar Palace Summer School. (Basque Country-Spain)
  125. Calzada, I. (2016), Comparing Smart Cities in Brazil & UK: Smartness & Prosperity, at the Environmental Governance for Sustainable Urban Transformation Workshop that will take place in Brasilia (Brazil) on 4-8th July funded by Newton Fund and the British Council.
  126. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. Planning Africa 2016: Planning for Smart Urban Transformations through A Comparative City Regional Approach, 7th Planning Africa Conference organised by SAPI (South African Planning Institute), ‘Making Sense of the Future’, Johannesburg, Gauteng (South Africa).
  127. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. (Un)Plugging Smart Cities with Urban Transformations. In: Schrenk, M.; Popovich, V. V.; Zeile, P.; Elisei, P., Beyer, C. (Eds.): Smart me up! How to become and how to stay a Smart City, and does this improve quality of life? Proceedings of REAL CORP 2016, 21st International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia. Hamburg (Germany), 2016. ISBN 978-3-9504173-0-2 (CD), 978-3-9504173-1-9 (print) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4723.8003
  128. Calzada, I. (2016), Comparing Cross-Bordering City-Regional Strategies beyond Nation-States in Oresund and the Basque Country, paper will be presented at the 15th Border Regions in Transition (BRIT) Conference Cities, States and Borders: From the Local to the Global Hamburg (Germany) – Sonderborg (Denmark). 17-20 May 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1565.5285
  129. Calzada, I., Moncusí, A., Irujo, M., Rius, J., Castelló, R., (2016), ¿Estado Plurinacional? Miradas Cruzadas desde Euskadi, Navarra, Catalunya, País Valencià i Europa, panel convened at the University of Valencia on 8th April.
  130. Calzada, I. (2016), Keynote Speaker. Smart (City)-Regions: Territorial & Urban Transformations, delivered in Vilanova i la Geltru (Garraf, Barcelona), Catalonia, organised by the Neàpolis (Public Innovation Agency), Province Council of Barcelona and the Catalan Government – Generalitat de Catalunya on 6th April.
  131. Calzada, I., Goikoetxea, J. & Soto, I. (2016), Independentzia: Nola eta Nondik?, panel convened by Ezkerraberri Foundation on 10th March (Bilbao).
  132. Calzada, I. (2016), Comparing Smart City-Regional Governance Strategies in Bristol, Glasgow, Bilbao & Barcelona, paper was given at the Oxford Programme for the Future of Cities conference on ‘Urban Governance and its Discontents’ Panel 2 – Governing the city: where do infrastructure, democracy and social justice meet? on 18th February 2016 at the University of Oxford (UK). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2091.9448.
  133. Calzada, I. (2016), Comparing EU Cities on Smart City-Regional Governance, paper was given at the 7th Annual Smart Energy UK & Europe 2016 Conference on 29th January 2016 in London (UK). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2354.0887.
  134. Calzada, I. (2015), Political & Social Innovation in the Age of Devolution and Smartness in Cities, at the Wise and Smart Cities: Knowing and Strengthening the ‘New Sharing Economy Conference at the University of Torino (Italy) on 23rd November.
  135. Calzada, I. (2015), отсоединив умный город, at the Museum of Moscow City on 31st October.
  136. Calzada, I. (2015), 10 Provocations to Design Strategies for the Future of Our (Smart) Cities, at the Open Innovation Forum 2015 in Moscow (Russia) on 29th October.
  137. Calzada, I. (2015), What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Political Innovation in the Age of Devolution? Comparing ‘Smartness’ in Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country, paper that will be given at Smart City-Regional Governance International Symposium at Vrije Universiteit on 8th October 2015 in Brussels (Belgium). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2054.5687.
  138. Calzada, I. (2015), Vision of Future Cities, PechaKucha presentation delivered at the Institute for Future Cities at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (Scotland) on 25th September 2015.
  139. Calzada, I. (2015), Foresight Project on the Future of Cities Workshop, Government Office for Science, UK Government. London (England) on 21st September 2015.
  140. Calzada, I. (2015), InFocus Smart City 2015 Conference. Yinchuan (China) on 12th September 2015.
  141. Herrschel, T. & Calzada, I. (Convenors) (2015), European City-Regions and the Re-scaling of the Nation-State: The Role of the Cities in the quest for self determination and independence, panel and call for papers that will be chaired at UACES 45th (The academic association for contemporary European Studies) 7-9 September 2015 in Bilbao (Basque Country – Spain)
  142. Calzada, I. & Herrschel, T. (2015), Benchmarking Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country from the Devolution, Independence and Social Innovation perspective: City-Regional Small Nations Beyond Nation-States, paper given at UACES 45th (The academic association for contemporary European Studies) on 9th September 2015 in Bilbao (Basque Country – Spain). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2531.0321.
  143. Calzada, I. (2015), Smart Oxford Project Board: (Un)Plugging the ‘smartness’ in our cities?, presentation delivered at the Oxford Town Hall on 3rd September 2015 in Oxford (UK).
  144. Calzada, I. (2015), City, Technology & Education: A Critical & Transformational View/Ciudad, Tecnología y Educación: Mirada Crítica y Transformadora, paper given at Ceibal Foundation, on 17 June in Montevideo (Uruguay).
  145. Calzada, I. (2015), ¿De Qué Hablamos Cuando Hablamos Del Futuro de Nuestras Ciudades?/What Do We Talk About When We Talk About The Future of Our Cities?, paper given at TEDxMontevideo 2015, on 15 June in Montevideo (Uruguay).
  146. Calzada, I. (2015), Gizarte Berrikuntza Lurraldegintza Estrategikorako, at Videoconference with Andoain, Bastero Cultural Centre (Basque Country – Spain), paper given on 18 June, organised by Elhuyar Social Innovation Consultancy & Gipuzkoa Province Council.
  147. Calzada, I. (2014), #Unplugging the Smart City, paper given at the Future Cities Summit RE·WORK in London (England), on 5th December.
  148. Calzada, I. (2014), Postindependence in Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country. City-Regional Small Nations beyond Nation-States, paper given at the RSA Regional Studies Association Conference at the University of Sheffield (England), on 30th October.
  149. Calzada, I. (2014), Postindependence: Comparing city-regional devolution strategic scenarios in Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country, paper given at the Policy & Politics Conference 2014 at the University of Bristol (England), on 17th September.
  150. Calzada, I. (2014), PostIndependence and devolution strategies from a city-regional perspective. Public University in Navarra (Spain). Alkartasuna Foundation. 29th September – 1st
  151. Calzada, I. (2014), Cities and Participation Thematic Session. (Chair). Towards Living Cities Conference. Urban Regeneration Forum Bilbao-Bizkaia Architecture (Spain), 26th September 2014 and member of the Scientific Committee.
  152. Calzada, I. (2014), Smart Cities Systemic approach, paper given in Bristol (UK) in the STEEP 7th FP project Advisory Board conference in 23rd July.
  153. Calzada, I. (2014), Lessons from the Mondragon Co-operatives for a TransLoKal Academic Entrepreneurship, paper given at the MA Master in Social Entrepreneurship at Goldsmiths, University of London, on 7th July.
  154. Calzada, I. & Cobo, C. (2014), Unplugging: Beyond Hyper-Connected Societies, seminar paper given at the TORCH The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities at the University of Oxford, 20th June.
  155. Calzada, I. & Björk, F.  (2014), Cross Border City-Regions Beyond Nation-States: Basque & Oresund Comparative Cases paper given at the RSA Regional Studies Association European Conference in Izmir (Turkey), 17th June.
  156. Calzada, I. (2014), City-Regional Policies, paper given at the Sharegune Workshop at the Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Orkestra – University of Deusto (Spain), 26th May.
  157. Calzada, I. (2014), Smart Cities? PostIndustrial Towns FabLabs, paper given at the Local Development week in Bilbao (Spain), 8th May.
  158. Calzada, I. (2014), Critical Social Innovation in a Smart City era for a City-Regional European Horizon 2020 paper given at the St. Antony’s College, European Studies Centre, University of Oxford (UK), 29th January.
  159. Calzada, I. (2014), New Roles for Design Museums: Postcrisis Museums as the Community-driven Social Innovation Centres paper given at the Design Museums for the 21st Century Conference. University of Southern Denmark, Kolding (Denmark), 23th January.
  160. Calzada, I. (2014), Balance and Imbalance Territorial Development Strategies, paper given at Klimagune 2013 Workshop entitled Opportunities, Challenges and Barriers for Transitions Towards Sustainability in the Context of Climate Change, Bilbao, 19th December.
  161. Calzada, I. (2013), The Future of City-Regions <> Comparative Territorial Benchmarkingpaper given at the Conference Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association RSA Winter Conference November 2013. London (UK), 22nd November. ISBN: 978-1-897721-45-2.
  162. Calzada, I. (2013), Do Social Networks provoke Civil Transformation? paper given at the Statutory Parliament Conference. University of Navarra. Pamplona (Spain), 7th November.
  163. Calzada, I. (2013), PostCrisis Alternatives for the Museums: Towards a Networked-driven Museum Management Model, paper given at the University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain), 8th November.
  164. Calzada, I. (2013), Basque & Oresund Comparative Territorial Benchmarking, paper given at the Future of Cities Programme’s Flexible City International Symposium, University of Oxford (UK), 24th October.
  165. Calzada, I. (2013), Regional Policy, Governance & Social Innovation from the Action Research approach paper given at the Regional Innovation Policy RIP 2013, organized by Orkestra- Basque Institute of Competitiveness, University of Deusto. St. Sebastian (Spain)[1], 10th October. [1]
  166. Calzada, I. & Casado, A. (2013), Basque & Iceland Connection, paper given at the Philosophy Department, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, September 27th.
  167. Calzada, I. (2013), Neighbourhoods: The ethnographic of the Lindangen paper given at the ASCI Aalto Camp for Societal Innovation, Malmö (Sweden)[1], August 26th. [1]
  168. Calzada, I. (2013), Entrepreneurs & Territories, paper given at the Research Symposium Skool Centre for Entrepreneurship, Säid Business School, University of Oxford (UK), 23rd July.
  169. Calzada, I. (2013), Highlighting the Territory & Social Innovation importance in the Mondragon case. paper given at the EMES 4th International Research Conference on Social Entreprise, Liege (Belgium). 1st July.
  170. Calzada, I., Chautón, A. and Di Siena, D. (2013), Macro Meso Micro, scales in the social transformation paper given at the Open Madrid Summer School, Madrid (Spain), 26th June.
  171. Calzada, I. & Björk, F. (2013), Basque & Oresund Connection from the Social Innovation, paper given at San Telmo Museum, St. Sebastian (Spain), 8th May.
  172. Calzada, I. (2013), Balance and Imbalance in the City-Regions, paper given at the University of the Basque Country. Bilbao (Spain)[1], 3rd May.
  173. Calzada, I. & Sagasti, M. (2013), Social Interaction Spaces for Entrepreneurship at the MicroUrbanism level: Basque City-Region Diagnostic Mapping Case Study paper given at the 6th International Conference for Entrepreneurship Innovation and Regional Development. Regional Economic Resilience through Innovation and Enterprise. Istambul (Turkey), 1st March.
  174. Calzada, I. (2012), Will Social Innovation Save Spain? paper given at The Hub of Islington. London (UK), 12th November.
  175. Calzada, I. (2012), Welcome to the City-Regions paper given at the Club of Rome. Spanish Contact point. Bilbao (Spain), 22nd June.
  176. Calzada, I. (2012), How could we activate Culture Citizenship across City-Regions in Europe? Spaces for Interaction & Social Entrepreneurship in a Network Territorypaper given at the Euroculture Programme, Institute of European Studies International Congress, University of Deusto. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto. Bilbao (Spain), 20th June.
  177. Calzada, I. (2012). Digital Citizenship? Technology, Social Capital and Territory paper given at the Digital Citizenship International Congress. St. Sebastian (Spain)[4], 9th May.
  178. Calzada, I. (2011), The Basque Case Challenge & Opportunity: New Political Culture Intervention Project based on Action Research. International Congress on The Governance of the Large-Scale Projects. Hertie School of Governance. 30th Sept – 1st Oct. Berlin (Germany).
  179. Calzada, I. (2005). Sustainable Development in the City-Region: the future of work and innovation by means of creatrive communities and classes paper given at the XVI. Congreso de Estudios Vascos: Garapen Iraunkorra-IT. Etorkizuna=Desarrollo Sostenible-IT en el Futuro. Pag. 626. Bilbao (Spain), 5th March.

  1. Calzada, I. (2024), Zer da euskal nazioa adimen artifizialaren aroan? Naziometroa. Gure Esku Dago and TMLab.
  2. Calzada, I. (2021), TRANS, Retrieved from DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.32062.61763/1.
  3. Calzada, I. (2021), Digitalizazioa: Potentzialki Federalizagarri, Retrieved from DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.21868.90246/1.
  4. Calzada, I. & Scholz, T. (2021), Datu-kooperatibak pandemia sasoian, Tu Lankide. May 2021. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.32598.16967/1.
  5. Calzada, I. (2021), Descifrando la Ciudadanía Pandémica. El Correo and El Diario Vasco. July 2021. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12741.58080/2.
  6. Calzada, I. (2021), LABorategiak, Retrieved from DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.20036.14721/1
  7. Calzada, I. (2021), Smart City Citizenship: A Techno-Political Review (of Cities and Nations). OxPol: The University of Oxford Politics Blog. Retrieved from: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23271.98725/1.
  8. Calzada, I. (2021), Arrakala eta Lubaki Digitalak/Digital Divide and Cleavages, Retrieved from DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.27931.59686/2.
  9. Calzada, I. (2021), The sharing economy was a promise that has been completely devalued in the hands of large corporations, Retrieved from DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.24757.19687/1.
  10. Calzada, I. (2021), Data and Platform Co-ops in Smart City Citizenship: Interview with Igor Calzada, Retrieved from: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32506.00965/1.
  11. Calzada, I. (2020), Eskubide digitalak? Bai, eskerrik asko, Retrieved from DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.35794.38089/1.
  12. Calzada, I. (2020), COVID-19 + Brexit. Berria. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.11561.83047/1.
  13. Almirall, E. & Calzada, I. (2020), Europe needs a revolution in the Administration,, Retrieved from, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21637.58086/1.
  14. Calzada, I. (2020), Tekno-Politika/Techno-Politics, Retrieved from DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27126.22086/1.
  15. Calzada, I. (2020), Setting up the Basque Algorithmic Nation: Technological Sovereignty Amidst the Post-COVID-19 SocietyEuskal Nazio Algoritmikoa Sortuz: Subirautza Teknologikoa Post-COVID-19 Gizartean. Bergara: TMLab. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28853.01766/1. 
  16. Calzada, I. (2020), Will Covid-19 be the end of the global citizen? Apolitical. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11942.27208/1.
  17. Calzada, I. (2020), Irlanda, gure bihotzean (Ireland, in our heart). Berria. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.22426.39369/1.
  18. Calzada, I. (2019), Brexit: Erraietatik (Brexit: From the guts). Berria. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.15258.59849/1.
  19. Calzada, I. (2018), La Revolución Algorítmica, El Grupo Correo, Sección Opinión, ¿Hacia Dónde Vamos? DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13668.42880.
  20. Calzada, I. (2016), Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas: El puente para hibridar sociedad y educación, Euskonews (Eusko Ikaskuntza – Sociedad Estudios Vascos). DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.17709.10722/1.
  21. Calzada, I. (2016), ¿Plurinacionalidad de Izquierdas? Derecho a Decidir y Ciudad, Pú DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18967.39841/1.
  22. Calzada, I. (2015), Moscú y su plaza ‘roja’ (o lo que queda de ella), El País – Seres Urbanos/Planeta Futuro. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.30147.84009/1.
  23. Calzada, I. (2015), ¿Tecnologías Mundanas para Ciudades Inteligentes?, El País – Seres Urbanos/Planeta Futuro.
  24. Calzada, I. (2015), Microbreweries: ¿Emprendizaje Comunitario (o hipterismo)?, El País – Seres Urbanos/Planeta Futuro.
  25. Calzada, I. (2015) ¿Smart State?, El País – Seres Urbanos/Planeta Futuro.
  26. Calzada, I. (2015), Connecting the Basque and Iceland Cases: An Ethnographic Chronicle about Democratic Regeneration. In Open Democracy and D-CENT project.
  27. Calzada, I. (2015), Zubigintza, Berria & Norabidea.
  28. Calzada, I. (2014), Erresuma Batutik Eskoziarako trenean, demokrazia eta independentziaz idatzitako gutuna Euskal Herriarentzat(Part IV), Norabidea, EuskoNews & Aberriberri. September.
  29. Calzada, I. (2014), Postindependence in Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country: City-Regional Small Nations Beyond Nation-States(Part III),  The Future of the UK & Scotland: Navigate the debate, Open Democracy , The Scotsman and Politics in Spires from the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford. September. And also in TheBreaker, LSE European Politics and Policy and Democratic Audit.
  30. Calzada, I. (2014), Eskoziatik demokrazia eta independentziaz telegrama (Part II), BERRIA Basque newspaper. August.
  31. Calzada, I. (2014), Postindependencia: 10 claves para preparar el derecho a decidir en Euskal Herria y en la UE. (Part I), Euskonews Magazine, Basque Studies Society – Eusko Ikaskuntza and AberriBerri. August.
  32. Calzada, I. & Cobo, C. (2014), Unplugging > Beyond Hyper-Connected Societies. COMPAS. June. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34330.67523/1.
  33. Calzada, I. (2013), Macro. Meso. Micro. Social Innovation Europe Digital European Commission Magazine. December.
  34. Calzada, I. (2013). Critical Social Innovation for a City-Regional Europe. Social Innovation Europe Digital European Commission Magazine. December.