‘Smart Municipalities Workshop’ in Bilbao (05/10/2018, Basque Country/Spain)

On October 5, 2018, an strategic workshop took place in Bilbao, to define the Smart Municipalities’ networked, evolution-guided and bottom-up strategy for the 252 municipalities encompassing the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC city-region).

During 2016 and 2017, the following policy report was prepared and published:

Calzada, I. (2016), HerriSmarTIK: Basque Smart City-Regional Strategy in the H2020 European Context / La Estrategia Vasca de Territorio Inteligente en el Contexto Europeo Horizonte 2020: De la Agenda Digital Municipal a la Gobernanza de la Ciudad-Región Vasca Inteligente – HERRISMARTIK commissioned by EUDEL (Basque Municipalities’ Association), LKS Consultancy and the Basque Regional Government, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Information Society Department. Zumaia: Translokal – Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. ISBN: 978-84-946385-1-0. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10932.76161

To implement this strategic programme entitled HerriSmartik during 2018 and as the kick-off event of the ‘Basque City-Regional Strategy in the H2020 European Context’ Programme coordinated by EUDEL (Association consisting of the 252 municipalities encompassing the Basque Autonomous Community) and the Basque Regional Government (Information Society Department), on October 5, 2018, a workshop was held in Bilbao with a wide participation from different municipalies of the Basque geography. In addition to mayors, counselors and officers, intermediate organisations related to the e-governance institutional arena participated in the workshop (Izenpe, Biscaytik, IZFE,…).

Here is the summary of the workshop in a nutshell (in Basque and Spanish):

Here the full presentation by Dr Calzada:

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