Publication in RSA Journal: ‘Data Spaces and Democracy’

The RSA Journal publishes the article of Dr Calzada entitled ‘Data Spaces and Democracy‘.

To cite this article:

Calzada, I. (2019), Data Spaces and Democracy, RSA Journal. Issue 2: 40-43. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35392/89601/1.


AI is now an important component of sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, public administration and transportation, and is helping to address major challenges such as ageing and climate change. However, there is currently a lack of transparency in algorithmic governance systems, and this is worsened when these algorithms are integrated into already opaque governance structures in our cities. Moreover, over the past decade, the propagation of sensors and data collection machines in so-called ‘smart cities’ by both the public and the private sectors has created democratic challenges around AI, surveillance capitalism, and protecting citizens’ digital rights to privacy and ownership.

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