15 Nov Teaching Seminar about ‘Data Co-operatives through Data Sovereignty: Towards Digital Foundational Economy?’, WISERD, Cardiff University (UK) (30/11/2021)
Presented by Igor Calzada
This presentation is based on Dr Calzada’s recently published paper ‘Data Cooperatives through Data Sovereignty’*
1. Data are not the oil of the Twenty-First Century; they are people.
2. Stemming from a recent published paper*, this seminar sheds light on two intertwined technopolitical notions (Data Co-operatives and Data Sovereignty) and anticipates another two city-regional notions (Data Devolution and Data Colonialism) that are paving the way towards the new UN-Habitat approach called ‘People-Centered Smart Cities’.
3. This seminar is particularly relevant for those scholars and stakeholders in Wales that are interested in new emerging digital forms, particularly related to post-pandemic, co-operatives, and devolution matters.
4. This seminar will revolve around the need to build in coproduction with stakeholders in Wales, a new approach entitled and coined as ‘Digital Foundational Economy’ from WISERD by using action research and qualitative methods.
5. This seminar, by suggesting conceptual novelties, encourages scholars and practitioners to further intersect applied transdisciplinary social science domains, including digital economy, data science, local economic development, regional studies, techno-political and social innovation.
*Calzada, I. (2021), Data Co-operatives through Data Sovereignty. Smart Cities 4(3), 1158-1172. DOI:10.3390/smartcities4030062. Special Issue “Feature Papers for Smart Cities”.
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