07 Mar ‘Independentziara: nola eta nondik?/Towards independence? where from and how?’ Conference in Bilbao on 10th March 2016
Dr Calzada will take part in the round-table organised by Ezkerraberri Foundation (which belongs to Aralar, left independentist political Basque party). He will give a conference/talk while building future strategic scenarios from the present in order to foster democratically feasible pathways towards independence in Europe, with Dr Goikoetxea from the University of the Basque Country. Furthermore, the moderator and conductor will be Mr Iñaki Soto, Director of the Basque newspaper, GARA (former EGIN). Finally, the convenor of the event is Dr Iñaki Irazabalbeitia, former MEP at the European Parliament from EUPARTYEFA-Aralar.
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