Dr Calzada elaborated on 'Data Commons and Devolution in Europe: GDPR' in the Speakers session in ESADE Business School by presenting two journal articles:
Here is the video summarizing several findings of an ongoing research study:
 In this interview Dr Esteve Almirall asked regarding several questions related to the technopolitics of data, the geotechnological disruptive processes in Europe, the Algorithmic Nations, and among other topics.

Dr Calzada has been collaborating in the last couple of years with Mr Amitabh Satyam, the Managing Partner at SAP company in Bangalore, India, in order to prepare the publication of the following book: 'The Smart City Transformations: The Revolution of the 21st Century'. The...

A new journal peer-reviewed article by Dr Calzada published in the Systems Journal (ISSN 2079-8954), in the Special Issue ‘Smart Cities and Regions as Systems of Innovation’. ...

Here is a journal peer-reviewed article by Dr Igor Calzada in which the urban and the political agenda are blended by producing a new timely outcome. The article is the final report of a EU project funded by Marie Curie Regional Programmes via Bilbao Metropoli-30...