Dr Calzada took part in the roundtable organised by Ezkerraberri Foundation (which belongs to Aralar, left independentist political Basque party). He discussed with Dr Goikoetxea from the University of the Basque Country, while the moderator will be Iñaki Soto, Director of the Basque newspaper, GARA...

This presentation was delivered on 30th September at the Public University of Navarra in Spain. The conference was held by Alkartasuna Fundation linked with Eusko Alkartasuna political party in the Basque Country (into the EHBildu coalition). The aim of the presentation was to conduct an...

On 23rd and 26th June, Dr Igor Calzada will present his new book entitled PostIndependentzia > #HanIzanikHonaGara (PostIndependence > #BeingThereWeAreHere) in ELKAR bookshop in St. Sebastian published by TransLoKal Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. The book gathers some of the most relevant conclusions of his...