Here is the short article published in the RSA Regions Quarterly Magazine: Calzada, I. (2014), The Right to Decide in Democracy between Recentralisation and Independence: Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Regions Magazine Comment and Debate, pp. 4-5. Regions no 296 Winter 2014. (Forthcoming)...

On 23rd and 26th June, Dr Igor Calzada will present his new book entitled PostIndependentzia > #HanIzanikHonaGara (PostIndependence > #BeingThereWeAreHere) in ELKAR bookshop in St. Sebastian published by TransLoKal Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. The book gathers some of the most relevant conclusions of his...

On 26th May, Dr Igor Calzada will be conducting a seminar and giving a paper entitled "City-Regional Policies" at the Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Orkestra- University of Deusto, as an outcome of his postdoctoral project. The seminar is part of the sharegune seminars at Orkestra,...

In March 2009, I was called for being nominated as the Coordination Director of the Basque Government. I started working as a Director (independent politician) attempting to change the Coordination Direction into the Research Direction. After one year, I decided to quit after leaving an...