On 23rd and 26th June, Dr Igor Calzada will present his new book entitled PostIndependentzia > #HanIzanikHonaGara (PostIndependence > #BeingThereWeAreHere) in ELKAR bookshop in St. Sebastian published by TransLoKal Academic Entrepreneurship for Policy Making. The book gathers some of the most relevant conclusions of his...

This post may be the most relevant post of this site https://www.igorcalzada.com, due to what is explained in the doctoral and postdoctoral research sequence. Furthermore, the whole PostDoctoral Research project "The Future of City-Regions - Comparative Territorial Benchmarking" can be found in the website http://www.cityregions.org...

Nearly one year ago, I watched the "AmerikanUak" film at the St. Sebastian International Film Festival. It reminded me of many things: Moments and landscapes in which I lived for a year and a half around the Western USA. For sure, it is a really...

This article tackles a difficult and always slippery term: Identity. Arousing confusion when it refers to certain sociopolitical realities, the author tries to locate it in the Social Innovation paradigm....