As a summary of the on-going comparative case studies between the Basque Country City-Region and the Oresund City-Region, myself and Fredrik Björk will disseminate it in a paper titled: Cross Border City-Regions Beyond Nation-States: Basque & Oresund Comparative Cases. ...

On 26th May, Dr Igor Calzada will be conducting a seminar and giving a paper entitled "City-Regional Policies" at the Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Orkestra- University of Deusto, as an outcome of his postdoctoral project. The seminar is part of the sharegune seminars at Orkestra,...

This post may be the most relevant post of this site, due to what is explained in the doctoral and postdoctoral research sequence. Furthermore, the whole PostDoctoral Research project "The Future of City-Regions - Comparative Territorial Benchmarking" can be found in the website