During the week of 22nd to 29th September 2013, I spent the field work trip collecting data in Reykjavik (Iceland) for my postdoctoral project 'Benchmarking Future City-Regions'. Almost, a year and four months later, here is my scientific ethnographic chronicle that has been published in...

It was Robert Putnam, the key author observing the social phenomenon that meant the foundation of the concept, Social Capital. His interesting experiment observing the bowling rooms, provided us an interesting perspective from which to compare, connect, or even benchmark the social diverse context and...

In 2007, the Creative Society Summer School finished a trilogy of a project based on three Summer Schools (the three websites expired recently): 1.- The Creative Society 2007: http://www.thecreativesociety.org 2.- The Creative Capital 2006: http://www.elcapitalcreativo.org 3.- The Future of Work 2005: http://www.elfuturodeltrabajo.org...