29 Feb Three Summers Schools ending with the Coordination of the DVD Creative Society Summer School 2007
In 2007, the Creative Society Summer School finished a trilogy of a project based on three Summer Schools (the three websites expired recently):
1.- The Creative Society 2007: http://www.thecreativesociety.org
2.- The Creative Capital 2006: http://www.elcapitalcreativo.org
3.- The Future of Work 2005: http://www.elfuturodeltrabajo.org
The three of them were designed as a consequence one the one from the other, a three-years project with annual milestones.
- We started in 2005, with a broad open discussion about the current labour situation and the possible trend in 10 years. The forecast was so pessimistic and we did not get a “real” involvement of the stakeholders at the local level in the Basque Country. Also, we did not notice any relevant transformation toward the impact of creativity and innovation in the real economic equation. This is why we changed the direction of the project in 2006, and this is was a turning point.
- In 2006, the Summer School was titled Creative Capital: Adding some reflections about the emerging Creative Industries in two cases (UK, mainstream model vs Iceland, alternative model). We also started introducing the theme of the Creative Territories and Cities.
- Like in 2007, the Summer School was named Creative Society. We invited institutions like ZKM in Germany, FACT in Liverpool and also Tabakalera in St. Sebastian to share their ideas in the field of Creativity, Territories and Innovation.
I stored here some of the pictures of the last edition of 2007 Creative Society and also you can find the videos of the last step of the project, the presentation of the publication DVD Creative Society in Tabakalera, International Contemporary Culture Centre in St. Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain.
Doy por finalizado el proyecto de Sociedad Creativa y se procede a dar de baja la website http://www.thecreativesociety.org
A continuación algunas de las imágenes que recogemos antes de proceder a dar el cierre en la difusión:
Igor Calzada, Lander Beloki & Joxean Muñoz.
1 Track: Joxean Muñoz.
2 Track: Lander Beloki.
3 Track: Dvd trailer (1) Sociedad Creativa.
4 Track: Dvd trailer (2) Arte, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad.
5 Track: Dvd trailer (3) Euskal Hiria.
6 Track: Igor Calzada (1) “Síntesis”.
7 Track: Igor Calzada (2) “5 Conclusiones-Decálogo”.
8 Track: Igor Calzada (3) “5 Conclusiones-Decálogo”.
9 Track: Coloquium (1).
10 Track: Coloquium (2).
11 Track: The End.
El 20 Feb. a las 12:00pm en el Edificio Tabakalera (Donostia-San Sebastián) se presentó* el último resultado, DVD Sociedad Creativa, de la trilogía temática secuencial de las Escuelas de Verano:
- Creative Society Summer School 2007: http://www.thecreativesociety.org
- Creative Capital Summer School 2006: http://www.elcapitalcreativo.org
- Future of Work Summer School 2005: http://www.elfuturodeltrabajo.org
Eskerrik asko inguruko guztiei./Thanks to everybody who may concern./Gracias a los de alrededor.
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