21 Jan Youth Exploring Cities > Social Innovation Project in three educational centres in Denmark & the Basque Country
During March 2010 and April 2010 I was involved in three main research dissemination activities around the Youth Exploring Cities research project with the participation of three different educational centres students and teachers. The three activities happened autonomously, but after some years I have realized that the three of them were more than linked under the same approach:
The first one was with the Kaos Pilot School of Social Innovation’s postgraduates in Aarhus (Denmark), the second one was with the BA students at Hernani Ikastola School in the Basque Country and finally the third one was with the graduate students at LEINN Entrepreneurship and Innovative Leadership degree at the University of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, also in the Basque Country.
- Kaos Pilot (Denmark): After dismissing at the Basque Government, I went to Denmark in order to deliver some lectures at the Kaos Pilot Social Innovation School in Aarhus (DK) and also carry out some field work research at Copenhagen (DK).
- Langile Ikastola (Basque Country): After this, at the Langile Ikastola in Hernani, some teachers were organizing a trip with students to Copenhagen (DK). In so far as I could help them, they asked me to prepare a Workshop for teachers and students with the following goal: Prepare them to explore the urban fabric of Copenhagen (DK). Not only simply from the tourist perspective, but also from an urban explorer mindset. After thinking about it and linking it with my on-going research interest in the Oresund City-Region, I called it the “Copenhagen- Hernani Connection”. Here is the Urban Exploration Youth Social Innovation workshop project summary that I delivered.
- LEINN- Mondragon Unibertsitatea (Basque Country): Afterwards, in the LEINN-Mondragon University I had prepared and given a lecture entitled: URBAN INNOVATION, CITY and its APPROACH.
In all three cases, we analyse, map and identify different ways to explore cities.
Some key questions of the Workshop:
- “How to explore a city?/Nola esploratu hiri bat?“
- “You are from Y generation…Einstein generation?/Bai? /Sure?”
- “What is local vs global in your mind?/Hemen vs han?”
- “What is important for you for living/working/socializing…into a “city”?/Zer duzu beharrezko?”
- “Are brands important for you?/Markak zer dira zuretzat?”
- “And 2.0…?/Sarea…?“
*Ps: Being inspired by Postal Service – Clark Gable
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