Dr Igor Calzada, MBA, will deliver a keynote presentation in Vilanova i la Geltru, Garraf (Barcelona), on 'Smart City-Regions: Territorial & Urban Transformations' on 6th April 2016 in collaboration with Neàpolis, the Public Agency of Innovation, Barcelona Province Council and the Catalan Government (Generalitat de...

Here is the short article published in the RSA Regions Quarterly Magazine: Calzada, I. (2014), The Right to Decide in Democracy between Recentralisation and Independence: Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Regions Magazine Comment and Debate, pp. 4-5. Regions no 296 Winter 2014. (Forthcoming)...

This post may be the most relevant post of this site https://www.igorcalzada.com, due to what is explained in the doctoral and postdoctoral research sequence. Furthermore, the whole PostDoctoral Research project "The Future of City-Regions - Comparative Territorial Benchmarking" can be found in the website http://www.cityregions.org...