The paper title "Balance & Imbalance Territorial Development Strategies of the Basque City-Region / Euskal Hiria: Contribution from the Social Innovation and Governance perspective" was accepted and presented on 19th December 2013 at Klimagune 2013 organized by the BC3, Basque Centre for the Climate Change...

In March 2009, I was called for being nominated as the Coordination Director of the Basque Government. I started working as a Director (independent politician) attempting to change the Coordination Direction into the Research Direction. After one year, I decided to quit after leaving an...

  gaia30802_14 This article was written in 2005 and aimed to apply to the so-called "Creative Class" concept suggested by Richard Florida to the Basque Regional Government's Culture Strategic Planning. Generally speaking, when we refer to a new setting of the cultural planning, it seems that modern and traditional culture clash. The authors highlight the dynamic and complex nature of the Strategic Territorial Planning arguing that Communities and Entrepreneurship should be taken into account for this macro strategic design. The article was published in 2005 in the Revista Vasca de Economía del Gobierno Vasco, Ekonomiaz and in Euskonews and was presented also as a paper with the same title in the Congress of the Basque Studies Society. --- Part I Part II