08 Jun ‘Benchmarking Future City-Regions beyond Nation-States’ published by the Journal RSRS Regional Studies Regional Science [Published]
This article addressing and summarising the four-year research project entitled ‘Benchmarking Future City-Regions‘ will be published shortly. The article has been published in the OpenAccess (OA) Journal, RSRS Regional Studies Regional Science. The project was funded by the Basque Foundation for Science, Ikerbasque and has been awarded with the Early Career Grant by the RSA Regional Studies Association.
Here is the article in Open Access.
To cite please use:
Calzada, I. (2015), Benchmarking Future City-Regions beyond Nation-States, RSRS Regional Studies Regional Science, 2:1, 350-361, DOI: 10.1080/21681376.2015.1046908. [Published]
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