In this article, I reflected on the similarities that lie between speed of the knowledge society and the need to escape from it as well. I mixed Eastwood's Alcatraz movie, Beck's Risk Society with my permanent concern with the challenges ahead for the Basque Society....

This article tackles a difficult and always slippery term: Identity. Arousing confusion when it refers to certain sociopolitical realities, the author tries to locate it in the Social Innovation paradigm....

Ikea launched an advertisement which they used to spread the idea of the indoors domestic culture: "Come into the independent republic of your HOME". Bearing in mind the massive influence of this advertisement and the impact in the Basque Country, I reflected on the fact...

In 2007, the Creative Society Summer School finished a trilogy of a project based on three Summer Schools (the three websites expired recently): 1.- The Creative Society 2007: 2.- The Creative Capital 2006: 3.- The Future of Work 2005:

After three years Summer School trilogy, starting with The Future of Work in 2005; continuing with The Creative Capital in 2006; and ending with the Creative Society in 2007; I gathered the field work information to start writing my dissertation while comparing with Dublin (in...